
A dog in Budel-Schoot, Brabant, found an explosive in its backyard. The explosive, a pipe bomb, was lying in the backyard of a house on Parallelweg, as reported by Omroep Brabant. The Labrador picked up the bomb and brought it inside, according to its owner Jermain. Initially, he did not realize it was a bomb and tried to open it.

“It was a rusty thing about twenty centimeters long. I thought it was something else and cut it open. When I saw that it could be a bomb, I called the police,” Jermain said.

The emergency services cordoned off the street, and Jermain and the residents of surrounding houses had to leave their homes as a precaution. The Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service of Defense confirmed that it was indeed a pipe bomb, as reported by the police.

The service took the explosive to a rural area and detonated it. The street has now been reopened, and residents are allowed back home. Jermain mentioned that he plans to dig up his garden to check for any more explosives. He also hopes that his four-legged friend will find gold next time. The reason why the bomb was in the backyard and who left it there remains unknown.