Everything started in a chalet in the town of the urbanisation Puebla Tranquila, Mijas (Málaga). Arrived there, deceived, two drug traffickers in sweden. Three members of a criminal organization they maniataron with american tape and cable ties and I was tortured for hours with the goal of obtaining information about an important drug loading. But in an oversight, one of the two persons kidnapped managed to escape. It changed everything. The gunmen then decided to run shot the other victim -a leader of another band of drug traffickers – and fled, leaving a car on fire on the way. The rapid action police allowed to arrest nine hours later in San Roque when they were trying to escape to Morocco. The researchers had understood, then, that accounted for only just the tip of the iceberg of a criminal gang based in Sweden.

The incident occurred in August and, now, the Civil Guard has solved the murder by arresting eight people -six of them in Spain and two in Sweden – involved in the events. Have solved one of the crimes registered in the Costa del Sol in recent months by the struggle between drug traffickers. Those arrested are accused of the crime of illegal detention, torture, murder, drug trafficking, murder attempt, illegal possession of weapons, membership of a criminal organization and theft of vehicle.

Traces of blood found in a bathtub of the home of Mijas which saw the murder solved. Guardia Civil EFE

called Operation Frigate, which has been developed in various locations in Spain and Sweden, have also led to dismantling a major criminal organization based in the nordic country. He was dedicated to drug trafficking and money laundering, operating in different european countries. During the records played have been involved five high-end vehicles, two assault rifles AK-47, a pistol and plenty of ammo, three watches valued at 120,000 euros, 15,000 euros and 13,000 Swedish crowns, as well as other effects and other related documents with the facts.


The investigation ilbet started in the wake of the murder to shots of the leader of a band of drug traffickers. The Civil Guard was then determined that the two victims of Swedish nationality were deceived by his executors to bring them up to the inside of a villa located in Mijas. There maniataron, by subjecting them to torture for hours with the intention of getting information about a significant item of drug. When one of them escaped, the other was riddled with bullets and his executors undertook to escape by using the vehicle of the person murdered, which was later abandoned and set on fire in a street of Fuengirola.

Following the identification of the corpse, it was concluded that behind the crime was a major criminal organization criminal dedicated to drug trafficking, based in Sweden, but with important ramifications in several countries, including Spain, where operating in the province of Malaga. The Guardia Civil, in collaboration with the Swedish police, identified the perpetrators of the murder, who had arrived a day before committing the murder, from Sweden. They were located shortly after in San Roque when they were heading towards Algeciras to travel to Morocco.

Money intervened during the operation against drug trafficking following the murder registered in Mijas. Guardia Civil EFE

After these initial arrests, another of the components of this criminal group was located in the municipality of Benahavís, close to Marbella. And in the municipality of marbella was arrested another person who, according to the agents, had a prominent role in the planning and management of the implementation, assuming the role of one of the ringleaders of the criminal organization has been dismantled. Simultaneously, the Swedish police stopped them in their country of other individual linked with the facts, that he was carrying a short firearm of fire ready and two assault rifles Kalashnikov.

The investigations continued and, in early November, served to uncover new evidence about the involvement of another individual of Swedish nationality in the murder investigated. He was arrested in Sweden and is scheduled for delivery to the Spanish Judicial Authorities. The research has been developed jointly by the Group of People and by the Computer of Organized Crime and Drug (EDOA) of the Organic Unit of the Judicial Police of the Civil Guard in the Commandery of Malaga and with the National Department of Operations (N. O. A.) of Sweden.