Now, everything indicates that we get a government with S, and MP, where Stefan Löfven is the prime minister. The policy will have clear liberal elements – at least on paper.

it’s more important to hear that you managed to stop the left party vinstförbud of private actors in welfare and instead put the importance on the quality standards. Also the wording about the school, with increased skill requirements and more time, is promising.

If S tries to dribble away their stated concessions during the term of office, it has made itself impossible as a political partner for the foreseeable future.

a deep, permanent crack occurred in the bourgeoisie, and the left C and L on the one hand and M and KD on the other? Ulf Kristersson (M), it got to be so during his press conference an hour after Lööf prominent. Not necessarily the. In the long term, can bridges be built and the earth heal.

Moderates, Centre party, Liberals and christian democrats went into the election in 2018 as an alliance. Even if the gluing between the parties become looser since the previous election, it is more that unites the parties than separates them. Considerably more.

chose not to release Stefan Löfven for the love of him personally or because they think that the S-policy is better than moderate. In the best of worlds, Sweden would be governed by a pure alliansregering who ran clean allianspolitik.

Now rodney king during an arrest, had been forced to adapt to a troublesome mandatläge and of two bad roads chosen the least bad. To share a bed, or at least room, with the SD mean (s) of eternal nightmares.

the Anger and the disappointment in the day is understandable. But they must not involve chronic bitterness.

The decision is reached in January 2019. About three years everything can all see the complete different. It would be premature and destructive, to today close the doors for the continuation of bourgeois interaction.

want to have a strong defense, with the goal to join Nato, and increased security in the streets and squares. They believe in the EU as a force for peace and economic development.

They agree on the importance of a free economy, favorable conditions for entrepreneurs. They consider that the salary in the first place belongs to the individual, not the state and the municipality, and that the taxes should be as low as possible.

of the government negotiations had led to anger and disappointment. It is understandable. But it must not involve chronic bitterness. Interest and idégemenskapen between the four bourgeois parties is still strong. The affinity must continue to be cared for.