Matti and Marie Olofsson in Stockholm wanted to live a more environmentally friendly and put up solar panels on their house in a suburb to Stockholm. The solar cells are bygglovsbefriade, and the pair Olofsson got to, and with contributions from the provincial government.

did not know what the other did. In the DN (24/3) tells how city planners intervened and demanded that the solar arrays would be removed: ”the solar cells onto the street (is) not appropriate given the visibility in the cityscape and the location on the building distorts the character of the place”, wrote the office.

And, with a very strange formulation: ”solpanelernas the black color gives the impression of ‘holes’ in the roof”.

required for a stadsbyggnadskontrollant, but enough, it is likely that such see the difference between a hole and a solar panel? Maybe it is the man walking by was: ”But help, most of the houses here on the street have a uniform red tiled roof, but the other has huge holes! What if it’s raining!”

once again proved the thesis that you have to be rich to afford to live cheaply.

After an appeal gave the city planning committee, the pair Olofsson entitled to retain the panels of the climate. As well, it has not yet gone for Yngve Zebühr a short distance away, in another protected area (DN 15/3). He has been refused his application to put up the black solar panels. The red had gone well, but they are three times more expensive. Once again proved the thesis that you have to be rich to afford to live cheaply, in this case, greatly lowering their electric bill.

It seems to me that these rules, which ensures that all the houses look exactly alike, are written in a totally different time. Yes, it is the top with nuttiga protected idyllkvarter where the father) and the mother is sweet, but it is not stupid with the air that is to breathe and a värmekurva that does not break right through those picturesque brick roof.

Sure, you can protect homeowners from the neighbor to light up a five-foot high, flashing statue of a naked Per Albin waving the ICE flag, but how many is disturbed in the nerves of the house next to be fitted with solar cells?

to the reflection number two: the Rules must be for man, not man for the rules.