Sex, drugs and booze are the focal point of a new scientific study, among other things, which substances are the most popular in the context of sex.

Chemsex, as it is called, when you take substances in the context of erotic activities, have mostly been studied as a special phenomenon in the bøssekredse.

This studies aim is much broader, covering the whole 22.289 men and women from around the world participated.

Participants were asked about what substances they have taken in connection with sex, how often they used substances to boost sexoplevelse, and how drugs possibly changed sexoplevelsen.

at the Top of the list of substances, most use most frequently in the context of sex, we find alcohol. This is followed by cannabis and MDMA, also called ecstasy, and cocaine. Further down the list you will find GHB, also called Fantasy.

Also, methamphetamine, ketamine, poppers (isopropyl nitrate) as well as Viagra appeared on the list.

In the course of the past year had more than half of the participants had sex after drinking alcohol, one-third after having smoked cannabis, and one-sixth of the intake of MDMA.

Chemsex was more used among young people and people with higher income. The british are the most active on the chemsex-the front in relation to both amerikansere and other europeans.

at Least 20 percent of participants had consumed drugs or alcohol in the past year, with the aim to enhance the sexual experience Among gay men: 45 percent. Among heterokvinder: 20 percent.

Furthermore, the researchers found that it was more likely that homosexual men and bisexual men experimented with mixing drugs (and here we are talking all substances except alcohol and cannabis) into their sex life (or sex in their stofliv). It was 1.6 times more likely to gay men the last year had tried to take drugs, with the specific aim to boost sexoplevelsen.

MDMA and GHB was rated as the best in relation to boost sex, MDMA increases the intimacy, while GHB amplifier requested, according to the users experience.

If you look away from the obvious that Viagra scored the highest average for men, would be the MDMA high with both the women and the men, who had tried it, both on the grounds of enjoyment, orgasmeintensitet and samhørighedfølelse.

In the much smaller groups of both men and women who had tried the Fantasy, it was, however, rated higher on almost all sexparametre, namely, pleasure, desire, abilities and orgasms.

in General, women were more excited about the alcohol than men, and heteroer more than gays.

lead Author of the paper Will Lawn from University College London explains;

– Although it is particularly among gay and bisexual men, that the tendency to use substances to improve sex is the greatest, you will find also many men and women with other sexual orientations, which have this behavior.

Lawn believes it is important that you take into account these things when you are trying to inform about the harmful substances, not only to focus on gay and bisexual men.

– to engage in a dialogue with the target audience and accept that the substances provide both enjoyment and damage, can provide a more nuanced and credible message.

a few years ago year researchers discovered out that cannabis users have more sex. The u.s. study is based on a larger population survey with the participation of more than 50,000 adults.

the Researchers made a cross on the marihuanabrug and sexfrekvens: How often have you had sex in the past four weeks, how often have they fired a fed in the same period.

Women who do not smoke marijuana, indicated that, on average, they had had sex six times in the last four weeks. The smoking women had on average had sex 7.1 times.

the Same trend was true for men: Non-smokers had sex 5,6 times in the same period, while potrygerne had had sexual intercourse were 6.9 times.

the Study’s lead author, Michael Eisenberg from Stanford University highlights the fact that previous experiments with both rats and humans have shown that cannabis can work positively on arousal.