– Centerledaren says that the outcome of the negotiations with S on an overall plan looks good, but there are too many investigations and vague information. The deregulation that the Centre party would like to see of the housing market and the labour market do not go far enough. She argues that the left party requirements have been met, but not The list of requirements. Therefore, she says no. But the Loof has no answers about what the Centre party wants to do instead. Annie Lööf says that it is up to others to take responsibility now, she already has tried everything. She doesn’t want to have an extra option, ” she says, but she wants the social democrats and the Moderates make up with each other. It is not likely.

– the Centre party, the central seats in parliament for formation of governments, in the power of the centrist party. In practice, (C) determine if the Ulf Kristersson or Stefan Löfven to become prime minister. It is very difficult to see how Annie Lööf will be able to explain the party’s actions to the voters. She said that she would not negotiate with Stefan Löfven, or budgetsamarbeta with S, but it is what she has negotiated throughout the weekend. She said that Ulf Kristersson was her industrialized, but voted against him on the basis of the sweden democrats in a position of power, and examined later if she herself could become prime minister. Now she has negotiated to let Stefan Löfven reinstated as prime minister, after having first been with and vote to remove him. It can be interpreted as that the Annie Lööf tried everything in her power, but as well as the Centre party blocking all solutions.

– the Possibility is there. The president has announced that he will give the parties a few days to call before any statsministeromröstning about Stefan Löfven held. It speaks against is that the slamming of the doors as a trade union negotiator or the people in the business can allow itself is risky for politicians. It can cost the trust of the voters and co-operation parties. It is difficult to see four years of budgetary cooperation in front of when you hear Annie Lööf judge out the social democrats and demand that the government Leaves to bring liberal policies. Also Stefan Löfven have a responsibility to their electorate, who may reasonably require that a part of the party’s policy is implemented.

Annie Lööf said in pressträffen that the Centre party can’t sit in a Alliansregering which is dependent on The sweden democrats, and that party does not, nor can budgetsamarbeta with a government that is dependent on the SD. The question is whether she is prepared to change on any of the points also, despite the high pitch in the past. C-the leader stressed several times that the Centre party has not taken any new information on that release Moderatledaren as prime minister.

— If Annie Loof does not have any plan in your back pocket go to Sweden in the direction of an extra option. Shall the voters perceive a new choice, as a democratically legitimate must the parties have the new information in the regeringsfrågan. It would be devastating if the parties choose to repeat the announcements from the autumn election campaign, the information was good because, obviously, not for shaping a Swedish government. The question is how The new information should obey.

– S-leader continues the attitude he had since valrörelsens last days, to be low-key and talk about the responsibility for the country. He went not, in a controversy with Annie Lööf on his press conference, but pointed instead of The centre party the right to say no. He opened to Loof would be able to return to the negotiating table.

– Stefan Löfven has a background as a union negotiator. He was quite adept at handling political power in connection with the Transportstyrelsekrisen the summer of 2017 when the conservatives and the SD threatened with more censure. But this hearing he has not succeed tranquility in the country. Now the hunt, the parliamentary budget decisions in the red-green government. Would budgetreservationen from the Moderates and the Christian democrats voted through parliament on Wednesday with the support of The sweden democrats will’s and MP’s interest to reign to subside. P and MP is not amused by the administering M and KD’s policy.

– Stefan Löfven to be able to prevent an M-KD-budget, he needs support for his transitional budget at least of Liberals. It looks as if he can get it.