When the European heads of state and government will discuss this Thursday about the Brexit, you should keep a basic question in mind: Is the EU a Union of governments, or is it also a Europe of citizens, of the peoples and of democracy? A community of fate?

If it is only the former, you should write the current Brussels Mainstream line and try to help the government of the British Prime Minister, Theresa May (to the extent it still exists), to bring your Deal to the finish line, and the United Kingdom as quickly as possible out of the EU.

Teresa May is the Problem and not the solution

the latter is If Europe, as the French President Emmanuel Macron has eloquently stated, acknowledge the heads of state and government, that the government of Theresa May’s self is the Problem and not the solution and citizens, the peoples and the democracy of the UK-time for a better starting position.

In the year 2016, more than voted for 16 million British citizens for the whereabouts of Britain in the EU. There is a direct European citizenship of the Individual and not only an indirect citizenship in Europe through the membership of a member state to the EU would have towards us is a clear responsibility of us, the British, Europeans. If we were a country we would be, the 16 million, after the Netherlands and Belgium is the ninth largest member of the Union. In addition, around three million citizens from other EU countries living in the UK. Together, the 19 million.

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hundreds of thousands of us will be this Saturday on the streets of London, not to demonstrate that we are just Europeans, but Europeans for the EU. The European state be handlebar just ignore us?

in addition to the individual citizens there are the peoples of these Islands. The United Kingdom is a Nation that consists of three Nations: England, Wales and Scotland, plus part of a fourth, Ireland. The 27 other member States of the EU have shown an impressive solidarity with Ireland – against the unpardonable post-imperialist carelessness of the English Brexiteers. But what is with Scotland and its 5.4 million people? Scotland voted by a majority of 62 per cent for remaining in the EU. The heads of state of Slovakia and Slovenia, Latvia and Estonia don’t remember how it is to be a small country, this is a major subordinate?

Three-month extension is not enough

Then the democracy is still there. You can understand that our fellow European citizens have reacted to the operetta, which has presented to the Westminster Parliament in the last few months, in disbelief, and ridicule. However, despite all the errors and anachronisms of what happens in Westminster happens, it’s just real parliamentary democracy – in contrast to the example than what is in Budapest.

Some laughter, maybe a President of Parliament, relying on a procedural rule, from the year 1604. But it is also a reminder that it is the goal of the English revolutions since the 17th century. This is the authority of the Parliament against an overbearing Executive power to enforce – of king Charles I. up to Theresa of Luck. The heads of state and government of the EU truly democratic Britain out of the compliment and at the same time the undemocratic Hungary hug?

the author of The contribution: the British historian Timothy Garton Ash.Photo: Henning Kaiser/dpa

last but Not least we share the same fate. Macrons Vision of a Europe that has the Power to defend its interests and values in a post-Western world, will be impossible when Britain is doing economically, with hard and “soft power,” rather, however, works. It comes after the Brexit to such dissonance, is unfortunately almost certain.

The EU has already made the best possible offer

so What should far-sighted European politicians do now? You should give the UK an extension of up to one year, with the clear and stated aim, to find a way out, a majority in the British Parliament. The extension could at any time be terminated by agreement.

The EU has already made the best possible offer for the exit agreement, and to the Irish Backstop. How May himself recently said in Parliament: An extension of just three months would lead us simply to a cliff. The British government should now have up to the deadline of the end of the 12. April put everything for the implementation of the Europe elections at the end of may in motion – otherwise, could set British membership of the EU after the 2. July, when the new European Parliament convenes, the functioning of the whole EU at risk.

to Me, however, was assured again and again that there are legal means and ways of this Dilemma to resolve – if only the political will is there. A legal solution to the Problem of a possible British membership of the 2.July, would contribute to the British debate, focused on the solution of the Central problem. Of all the thing it still seems to be the majority opinion in the EU, Britain to host the European Parliament elections or until the end of June needs to get off.

Small changes of the majorities

the EU agreement, which only provides for an extension of three months would exclude the most promising way for the UK and Europe, namely the so-called Kyle-Wilson-solution, named after the Amendments to the two Labour members. You have proposed a grant of Mays Deal by the Parliament, but only under the condition of a second, so-called “confirmatory”referendum. The British people had the choice between an opt-out with the Mays Deal and the whereabouts in the EU.

this second Referendum, to properly implement the elections to the European Parliament in the UK would be in the best case, a test-run, in the worst case, a violent distraction – it would take at least five months, so until the autumn. Some recent polls show small but growing majorities both for the conduct of a referendum, as well as for remaining in the EU.

The path to such a result is still narrow and bumpy, but it is supported by many millions of British, Europeans, as well as EU-citizens living in the UK. Also Scotland is given due respect.

Even a soft Brexit would be better than those half-baked, ill-considered Brexit, which is currently in the room – not to mention a No-Deal Disaster. If the European heads of government believe in a Europe of the citizens, of the peoples, of democracy and of the common fate, you should give the British Europeans have this last Chance.

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aftermath of three months May Brexit requested a postponement until the end of June

Albrecht Meier

Timothy Garton Ash is Professor of European studies at Oxford University and winner of the Charlemagne prize. His contribution appears in the Guardian and in Germany exclusively in the daily mirror.