After the renewed Failure of the Brexit agreement in the British house of Commons, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has underlined the German interest in an orderly withdrawal of the British from the EU. “It remains of course our objective, we have not abandoned the day yesterday, that there is an orderly exit of great Britain”, said Merkel on Wednesday in Berlin. This is in the mutual interest. “But by the last day the options are, of course, become less.” Merkel regretted that the Parliament in London had rejected the Brussels negotiated Brexit Treaty, in spite of improvements again.

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Like it to go further, to leave only after the voting in the lower house this Wednesday and Thursday, say, stressed Angela Merkel. We must distinguish between the things that can affect the European Union, and the things, the decisions of the British Parliament, independently. “These decisions we need, and we need to know. And I believe that our desires are one thing. But what is happening and what can really be between the two partners (…) has been reached, this is again another thing which is the subject of a compromise.“ (dpa)