The Federal government wants to entfristen a scheme whereby a recognised asylum seekers and Refugees with international protection status, their residence in Germany are not free to choose. This provides for a corresponding draft law to be adopted on Wednesday in the Cabinet, and the süddeutsche Zeitung is present. The German jurist inner collar called the project a “serious interference in the right to free movement”. the Constanze von Bullion, Berlin Constanze von Bullion
Constanze von Bullion is in the Parliament, editors of the SZ in Berlin, responsible for the Federal Ministry of the interior and the Green. She has studied history and has been working since 1999 for the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
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Recognised asylum seekers and Refugees with international protection status, the consequences will also not be able in the future to choose their place of residence in Germany. A temporary system from the year 2016, according to authorities forbid them the right of establishment in a particular location or a particular living space may assign, by the Federal government for the duration of the scheme. Is provided along with some Changes to the duty of residence also made permanent the scheme for refugee guarantees. The “draft law on the conversion to permanent contract of the integration act provides,” that should be adopted on Wednesday in the Cabinet. Several associations, which were asked within a very short period of time to comment on reported concerns.
“Due to the success of the use of the residence regulation as an integration policy tool have been agreed, the coalition parties in the coalition agreement to their conversion to permanent contract”, – stated in the draft law, which the süddeutsche Zeitung. In essence, it is about residence regulations for recognised asylum seekers, Refugees with international protection status and those with subsidiary protection. Under the impression of high refugee numbers in the year 2016, the Federal government wanted to prevent such immigrants, especially in big cities, and there, secluded from the majority society and language or integration deficits develop.
exceptions are only made in cases of hardship
In Section 12a of the act on the stay was regulated, therefore, that every asylum seeker can be assigned to the group “for the promotion of its sustainable Integration in the conditions of life of the Federal Republic of Germany”, a residence, or establishment may be prohibited, for example, if you disabled the Integration, or the local labour market is inappropriate. In addition, refugees must live for three years in the state in which their application for asylum was decided. Exceptions are only made in cases of hardship or if asylum-seekers find work elsewhere.
The scheme had “proven itself as a control instrument for the creation of conditions for successful Integration”, – stated in the draft law from the Federal Ministry of the interior. However, it had already given 2016 objections, for example by the Scientific service of the Bundestag. In terms of international law free movement rules and the Geneva Convention on refugees, the law “not safe,” it said in a report. The scheme was at that time limited to a period of three years and expires in August 2019. The Federal government wants you to entfristen now.
a lawyer speak to a serious interference with the right to freedom of movement
The German lawyers Federal the project called a “serious interference in the right to free movement”. The residence obligation is especially for women in situations of Violence is problematic. You would have to move quickly or to a women’s shelter, it often would last for months, until it is clear who is bearing the cost. In addition, in the future, also need to agree to the immigration authority at the new place of residence before a move is possible. “The law can by no means go through,” said the President of the women lawyers Association, Maria Wersig. The SPD-right politician Eva Högl considers the objection to be justified. “We are in the parliamentary procedure even more accurate,” she said of the SZ. The Jesuit refugee service, called the draft a “poor, because in practice, in fact, is not properly applicable to the scheme”. From the SPD in the Bundestag, the claim came, moreover, the effect of the act had not been evaluated, unlike in the coalition agreement.
The Federal Ministry of the interior rejected the criticism. All the länder and municipal associations have expressed in July 2018, in a Federal-state meeting to the residence scheme.