the EU presidency of Finland has joined Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium with INSTEX system, which aims to facilitate trade to the U.S. sanctions list on Iran.
German, French and British are based on INSTEX:in January 2019, after the united states had vetäynyt the Iranian nuclear agreement.
INSTEX is a system, which seeks bilateral trade with Iran, allowing the transaction is not used as a means of payment dollars.
Israel’s mad
iran’s arch-enemy Israel is not satisfied with the european countries.
They could not have picked a worse time, the Israeli foreign ministry said in a statement.
Israel referred in its statement, also Iranian civilians to the vulnerable position of the government of that country below.
Hundreds of innocent demonstrations murdered iranians are turning in their graves, Israel said.
Two weeks ago in Iran, the outbreak of large-scale demonstrations, when the country’s government was declared very of gasoline price increases.
the human rights organization Amnesty International, according to the 161 protesters were killed in clashes with the police.
the Finnish accession to the INSTEX:f tell me in Finland the first network news.en.
Trump sanctions drove Finnish companies from Iran – Local raw materials, relying triangle bread factory hang in there tracks
Source: AFP
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