No piece, no guided tours, but a different museiupplevelse. Roughly describes the ”Transformations” whose tickets sold out in a couple of hours. Cast Ann Petrén, and Robert Chestnut shows art together with museiintendenten Margareta Gynning and pedagogue Alexander Kateb. They all have different rooms and even engineers and musicians are engaged.

” We are a which. But we should not build a effektföreställning, it is a display, it is to arouse the audience’s interest, ” says Robert Chestnut.

Today’s selfiebilder provided an art historical context, on the basis of some of the museum’s portraits, also a form of selfiekultur, ” says Robert Chestnut.

show paintings by among others Anders Zorn and Carl Larsson, as well as ”Karl XII:s likfärd” by Gustaf Cederström.

” I’m talking about national romanticism, simply put, it is an important subject to think about. ”Swedish values” that you talk so much about, what are they really, who decides them, and have they shifted over time? What is the blue and yellow?

while Wearing the role of ”Frök-hen, Sweden” I hope he also find time to learn a little folk dancing.

– It is a side of me that probably many don’t know so much about, but now it is out. I am interested in dräkthistoria, I think it is exciting with various popular expressions, but which way have they been used to whip up different ideas about swedishness through the ages? We are here to serve as igångsättare for discussion.

”Transformations” opens april 23 at the national museum.