The Chairman of the foreign Affairs Committee, Norbert Rötten (CDU), supports the Efforts of France to stop the German-Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 in Brussels. It was “right to put the Good of European unity and ability to act in solidarity with Germany”, said Röttgen on Thursday the daily mirror. He thus places himself in a Central point of energy policy, against German Chancellor Angela Merkel, CDU. She had held against the concerns of many European partners in the project.

Röttgen accuses Merkel, you will have to isolate Germany in the question. “The policy of the Federal government in terms of Nord Stream 2 is for years, unilaterally, without regard to the majority’s rejection of the EU and, above all, the safety of our Eastern European neighbours concerns. It is not the fault of France, that we have isolated in this question, European“, stresses Röttgen.

On Friday will be voted on in Brussels on Reform of the European Gas Directive. It enters into force, would Nord Stream 2 is to be stopped or changed. You would ban that the state can deliver close to the Russian company Gazprom, the Gas and at the same time, the transportation via Pipelines to control. Röttgen criticized, the Federal government had not addressed the legitimate concerns of the EU partners, and had not “moved”.

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France had been long in the intra-European dispute about Nord Stream 2 and the Gas Directive in solidarity on the side of Germany order. “This happened especially to find time for a European compromise. From the German side, there has been no movement. The issue is not any disagreement, but it has developed for a long time been a fundamental question of European policy, as well as the cohesion and solidarity in Europe. In addition, it is now also a significant TRANS-Atlantic dispute. In this situation, and after long Hesitation, and France was the Good of European unity and ability to act in solidarity with Germany, is not only understandable, but correct.“

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Nord Stream gas pipeline 2 If Macron said against Merkel

Christoph von Marschall

The MEP of the Greens, Reinhard Bütikofer, provides: “In the place of Paris has understood that the European interest is obviously better than Berlin. We must not allow the EU is riding on the question of complete destruction. The German Blockade must be overcome.“