Germany is involved in the UN Mission Monitoring the ceasefire in the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah. The Minister of the Maas known to the outside after a conversation with his U.S. counterpart, Pompeo. How many observers to be sent, is still unclear. the

Germany wants to participate with observers in the UN Mission Monitoring the ceasefire in the Yemeni port city of Hudaida. The German foreign Minister, Heiko Maas, after a conversation with his U.S. counterpart Mike Pompeo in Washington. He said but still, as many observers to be sent to Yemen.

The UN security Council had given in the past week, the green light for the time being, on a six-month Mission in the war-torn country. There are a total of 75 unarmed observers to be sent there. This can be to police officers, administrative officers or military advisers.

Under the mediation of the United Nations had been agreed by the parties to the conflict in mid-December on a cease-fire for the long time hotly contested Hodeidah. The location on the Red sea is for the supply of the country is of Central importance.

the ceasefire is linked to the hope for a relaxation of the dramatic humanitarian situation in the country on the Arabian Peninsula. The Yemen government is fighting troops and Shiite Houthi rebels supported by Iran. In 2015, a handle, a Saudi Arabia-led military Alliance on the government side in the civil war. After more than four years of civil war, Yemen is experiencing the UN, the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Millions of people are starving, 250 000 threatened with starvation.