“You, Earl, will go in hell,” said a colleague to me one day during lønsjen. The reason why I suddenly sat with einvegsbillett to a far warmer place than I had thought, was that I practice (!) homosexuality. She had the right kind of faith, and thus one of course the right to judge the living and the dead.

Columnist Earl Wåge

is the debater, writer, and former winner of the tell-competition “Storyslam”. Photo: Sunniva Halvorsen

Last published posts “New again” may take a few weeks break Ropstad is on good, old been bondefanga of Erna Solberg Erna is dumb as oysters It is the abundance of children, I know I will love the people on Twitter

There has been an anti-homoparade through the Christian people’s Party its history. Sex in general (which is not between the real heterosexual people in marriage beds), and homosex in particular, has ridden the party as a mare. Nothing has been better suited to collect christians in a broad front than homosaka. Today, it is not something that splittar christians more than it.

It was only when gays began to be a part of the general samfunnsbildet, that the anti-parade really manifisterte. In the early 1950s the number was the ymta were that homosexuality would no longer be punishable. In 1954 published a total bispekollegium a hyrdebrev to åtvare the Norwegian people against the homostyggedomen. They wrote among other things:

“Homosexual actions apply as the perverse and forkastelege things they are. We face a danger of verdensdimensjoner.” If it all had not been so tragicomic, I had enough tillete me to suck on “I’m-a-danger-of-verdensdimensjoner-karamellen”.

In 1972 was homosexuality avkriminalisert in Norway. Christian people’s Party was einstemmig the contrary. They thought it was safe for verdsituasjonen that the perverse was kept behind lock and turn. In 1973, stated the reverend Nils M. Moll, that the correct word on homosexuality is homomani, which means madness. In the Same year at bishop Dagfinn Hauge that he personally saw homosexuality as a handicap on a par with reduced vision, psychosis and kleptomania. So it is so.

Many christians were not fornøgde with that gay was “friskmelde” in 1978, when homosexuality was stroke from the list of mental illnesses. But the lack of diagnosis has never kept some in to sykeleggjere us perverse. It is in any case constantly offered helbreding.

In the 1990s, took part I in debattprogrammet “Holmgang” on TV2. Theme: christianity and homosexuality. Pastor Jan Aage Torp, sjølverklært homohelbredar, was one of the participants. He had with him a man as he showed up and insisted on had become heterosexual through the help of God. Homodjevlane had simply fled.

as I sit and write this, tikkar it into messages about TilHelhet. An organization that offers “re-integreringsterapi” to homosexuals. Misjonskirken Norway, Kjell Britain Ropstad his kyrkjesamfunn in Oslo is a part of, is exit TilHelhet. When people spend time and effort to “reintegrating gay” to heteroverda, I’m a ubendig trong to the memory of Jesus’s words that it is not the healthy who need to the health.

the Situation for gay in Norway have developed kind of hard utkjempa kind. Most for the better, even if transpersonar en stands in the middle of skotvekslingane and need support more than ever. After the quarter has many christians come before God not hate gays. A hard core, which tydelegvis need hakkekyllingar, think still that we have open ticket to hell. But if we take to know, live in celibacy, and ends with the helsikes praktiseringa (!), is there maybe a place for us also in paradise.

In 1993 came partnarskapslova, fought for by homoaktivistar and politicians mainly on the left side. God help me for some debates it was. Kjell Magne Bondevik, leader in the Sector at the time, fought tooth and nail against that gays should get lovregulere the relationship is his. One of the arguments many people used, was that the partnerships would undermine and destroy the heterosexual marriage. Without anyone quite understood how it was supposed to go to. This went of course einstemmig against the act.

Exactly the same arguments heard we and in 2008, decided that the marriage law shall also apply to homosexuals. Øyredøyvande resistance. And the christian democratic party has voted against. Again. Many debattantar has continually, with sorrowful eyes and a Bible in hand, told how endless hurt it do they having to judge homosexuals in the north and down. “Wipe away krokodilletårene,” I think that. “Not in the vicinity of as bad as it do gay christians who are torn with beasts fillebitar of having to choose between your fordømmande God and his love.”

This went also accept that homosexuals get to adopt children. The ideal christian-folkepartifamiliar should of course consist of a mother, a father and children.

the progress party has also been eager participants in the anti-homoparaden to the Sector. The party has voted against every bill that would make homosexual to full-fledged Norwegian medborgarar, even though they eventually accepted the marriage law.

Anti-homoparadepartiet has no natural harbour in the government and received a minister of children and equality. Kjell Britain Ropstad has said the scars from that he did not support the helbreding of gay and insists constantly on the fact that he is minister for all.

It can be in its place to remind him that he in 2015 stated that it is okay that privatskular require of their employees that they shall not enter into likekjønna marriage. He believes also that it is up to the congregation whether they will employ praktiserande (!) homosexual priests. And the minister of children and equality-for-all is accepting that gays should get to adopt children.

Ropstad has spoken that he will not go to the Gay Pride festival. And I think that it must he make the trip. It would have been a dank session both for him and the Gay Pride festival.

But one thing I will, praktiserande (!) gay, say to you, Kjell Britain Ropstad:

“Will you be my minister as well, so you get at least get you out of anti-homoparaden which has tramp with jernhæl over gays here in the country as long as I have lived.” And it is a long time.

“Again again” can take a few weeks break, Columnist