
Exciting News for Investors at 20th Provada

During the opening of the twentieth Provada on Tuesday morning, Chris Kuijpers, DG at the Ministry of BZK, said, “We still have a lot, lot to do.” Good news also trickled through for investors during the fair.

The Affordable Rent Act hangs by a thread, according to private investors at Provada. The Act was supposed to be approved by the Senate on June 18, but it is currently lacking a majority by just 5 members. With BBB now in charge of the Housing department, reportedly with Mona Keijzer at the helm, there is new hope that the Act may not make it to the finish line. BBB was not in favor of the Act.

As is customary every year, PropertyNL publishes the PropertyDay, the official newspaper of the Amsterdam fair. Today, the second edition will be distributed at the fair. Can’t make it to the fair? Click here to stay updated.