the Instrument took a long time to create and really, no one wanted to host it. Now launches in France, Germany and the Uk to the end of the Instex, a payment tool in order to facilitate continued trade between Iran and EU countries.

the UN atomic the IAEA gets to do their inspections and believe that Iran meets its obligations.

In may, president Donald Trump that the united states would abandon the international kärnteknikavtalet with Iran. Draconian penalties were introduced from november. The intention is to strangle the iranian economy by destroying oil exports and shut down the country from the global financial system.

the agreement works. The UN atomic the IAEA gets to do their inspections and believe that Iran meets its obligations. The USA’s own underrättelseväsende agree, and said as late as last week that Iran has suspended development of nuclear weapons.

Trump claims yet that Iran is cheating, and also requires that the regime kills its missile programmes and to take the troops home from Syria. Companies, banks, and countries that continue to do business with Iran should be punished by being excluded from the u.s. market. The risk is to get the europeans ready to take.

maintain kärnteknikavtalet. Unless Iran sees few economic benefits to follow the the can the ayatollahs also pull out. Thus, an attempt was made to prohibit european companies to obey US, though they do in all cases.

Instex is a way to show good will, but most mere symbolic policies. In practice, it to a beginning of pure barter, such as food and medicines that are not covered by the u.s. sanctions. Smaller companies without exposure to the U.S. would be interested in.

to let other actors, such as Russia and China. Or replace it with a little oil? It is extremely doubtful whether the EU dare. So far, the smiles, the americans a little relief, before the experiment, but if the volume increases learning attitude change.

Iran’s economy is going backwards. Oil exports have dropped to less than half compared with last October, despite the fact that some of Iran’s largest customers received a temporary exemption from the sanctions. The currency has lost 70 percent of its value, inflation starts.

the iranian teokratins most reactionary forces. President Hassan Rouhani beset hard by those who want to start one again and break with the west.

the EU has also imposed fresh sanctions against Iran, that the security forces planned attacks in Europe against opponents of the regime. Kärnteknikavtalet is far from perfect, but the only brake that exists in Iran. Therefore, it is worth to save. If it is possible.