
New Haïtian Interim Prime Minister Garry Conille Hospitalized

Premier Garry Conille, the new Haïtian interim prime minister, was admitted to the hospital late Saturday night in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, as reported by local media and government officials. According to the AFP news agency, Conille suffered an asthma attack and may need to seek treatment abroad.

Earlier on Saturday, he visited the international airport of Haïti, which recently reopened after being closed for three months. In March, criminal gangs, who control a large part of the country, attacked the airport in an attempt to prevent the return of the previous prime minister, Henry.

Conille has only been in office for less than two weeks. He was elected at the end of May by a national transitional council of prominent figures in society, following months of lawlessness and absence of governance. The new government must now work towards restoring central authority and security in the poorest country in Latin America.

Just a few days ago, Conille stated in a speech: “We are experiencing an interesting moment for the Haïtian people, a moment where different political groups are putting aside their differences for the country’s sake.”