vantaa a Kristina Walden feel strange symptoms 10 years ago. Headache and fatigue were troubling and I’d feel bad anyway. Health doctor come up to send Walden unikokeeseen and he received a diagnosis of mild obstructive sleep apnea. She had to use at night with CPAP – that is positive-airway pressure device for sleep apnea treatment. Habituation to the device took three months.

the first night was quite a pain and wondering. When you find the right kind of mask, eased so much, Kristina Walden told Radio Finland Day program.

Uniapneassa the airway narrow can cause night breathing or even apnoea. Sleep apnea diagnosis I can get, if apnea is more than five times per hour.

Both the Helsinki and Turku university hospitals it has been observed that the treatment of posted the number has increased drastically this year. Pulmonary diseases specialist Ulla anttala quality Turku university central hospital said that the growth has soared. According to him, in the hospital figuring out how patients can be managed care warranty.

– at the end of September, when growth has become more than 50%. The estimate is that the posting of patient is this year, 50 percent more than last year.

While the increase is so much, anttala-based according to the referrals have been appropriate, i.e. sleep apnea disease has been found. Sleep apnea is a people’s disease and it is known that not all patients have yet been found. Anttala of believes that referrals increase in the number of due to the fact that the media has dubbed the issue a lot.

Especially middle-aged men have woken up and started uniapneaan. Many doctors speculate that the background is a sleep apnea sufferers of singer Olli Lindholm death and the publicity.

Also in the Helsinki and uusimaa hospital district sleep apnea in the outpatient clinic the number of patients has grown considerably.

being Overweight increases your sleep apnea risk

Two-thirds of sleep apnea patients are overweight. Middle-age sleep apnea is more common than in the young. Women have hormones protect against sleep apnea before menopause age. After sleep apnea also increases a woman and a specialist anttala of women have sleep apnea almost as much as men.

a non – Smoking, use of alcohol, strong pain läkkeet, sleeping pills and psychotropic drugs also increase the risk of breathing interruptions chance finds anttala quality.

HUS:in the sleep apnea clinic, chief physician said that the diagnosis of the number of add also the fact that the research devices are more sensitive and that obstructive sleep apnea definition has been changed. Sleep apnea, however, may be considerably more common than hitherto has been known, said HUS:in the sleep apnea clinic section chief Abdel Bachour .

– If you talk about only a blood draw results, now it is estimated that 300 000 patients have sleep apnea. But the truth might be three or four times more.

in Belgium, the study found that sleep apnea symptoms is almost half of the population. The risk more high blood pressure. Research suggests that sleep apnea symptoms may be estimated by the Finnish.

Treatment or not?

Unitutkija, professor Markku Partinen is of the opinion that sleep apnea is a little ylidiagnosoidaan. He said, that mild sleep apnea does not always require treatment.

If a person appeared more than five breathing interruptions per hour, does not mean that the person is sick. Fully terveelläkin can be more than five breathing interruptions per hour.

Markku Partinen told that they had run healthy athletes, of which more than 10 per cent had more than five respiratory failure. Partinen, according to the doctor I should seek, if there is a sleep apnea disease, namely sleep apnea cause daytime symptoms, deterioration of ability to function or increase blood pressure.

If sleeps well, not tired during the day, not overweight, no cardiovascular disease, so what, if there is a few of sleep apnea.

Read more :

Can a dentist identify the child’s obstructive sleep apnea? Riihimäki investigating whether the illness common bite disorders

are you Tired? 9 point test will give tips for better sleep

sleep Apnea-referral of frenzied growth will continue: “Similar is not perceived ever”

obstructive sleep Apnea is the risk of traffic – more and more the driver’s ability to stay awake will be tested

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