the European investment bank loan Finavia 150 million euros at Helsinki-Vantaa airport expansion purposes.

Financing related to the field development program of the fourth stage, in which the second terminal is extended and the transport links will be improved. The most visible change is the new main entrance to the second terminal, said finavia’s ceo Kimmo Mäki .

the Last development of the program step on passengers ‘ airport arrival and airport departure, Hill says.

the Field development program will start in 2013 and finish in 2022. Overall project value is approximately billion. The number of passengers is expected to rise from the current 20 million to 30 million.

a New connection from the train station

the New second terminal will be built a tunnel linking the existing ring railway station, but the tunnel also taken into account in the joint possibly in the future a reality of the airport’s long-haul track.

Also the airport bus and taxi zones will be reformed. The full nine-year development project worth about one billion euros.

– we are Prepared for that, that we have more capacity to Asia-oriented a wide-body aircraft for ceo Hill said.

the Passengers kept their field and the ceo says it should be in the future.

– the most Important thing is that the customer experience can be improved and we have the last turn on the proper facilities for growing matkustjaa flows.

the Station also built a new parking garage, which can accommodate 1 800 parking spots.

Finavia and investment banks signed the fourth construction phase related to the loan agreement on Friday in Helsinki. The signing ceremony of the investment bank represented by its deputy general Alexander Stubb .

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