We have not previously had a national helikopteravtal. We have not had any capacity at all, and now we are building up capacity, ” says Björn Johansson, responsible for the procurement of the MSB.
After last year’s extensive forest fires had the MSB commissioned by the government to strengthen the preparedness for forest fires before the summer of 2019. In it was included to increase the ability to fight fires from the air, including helicopters.
shall, when necessary, at least ten helicopters to the MSB’s disposal. During the skogsbrandssäsongen, they shall be placed where fire risk is highest.
the highest standby mode should the helicopters be able to be in the air within 90 minutes after the alarm comes from. In other modes, the time is set to a maximum of twelve hours.
” You get a look at what is reasonable from a business perspective, on the basis of the fire and rescue service perspective, and what is reasonable based on the price. What we have seen when we weighted it together is 90 minutes. Faster than that might be difficult to get the helicopters to take off, ” says Björn Johansson.
then the deal is not in the port yet. The agreement will be signed when the so-called överprövningstiden expired about ten days.
” Until we have entered into the agreement, we will not release any prices.