on The day of commemoration for the victims of national socialism, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) have called for a resolute struggle against anti-Semitism. “This day allows us to remember, what can cause racism, hatred, and enmity”, said Merkel in her Video Podcast. Each of us has the task “to also carry a responsibility to ensure that we show zero tolerance against anti-Semitism, xenophobia, hatred, and racial hatred”. “And that, unfortunately, in our current time of great urgency.”
foreign Minister Heiko Maas has been campaigning for new approaches in the confrontation with Nazi crimes. Places of memory would also need to be places of learning, wrote of the SPD-politician in a guest post for the “world on Sunday”. “Who is born today, for example, the pogrom night time is just as far as at the time of my birth, a Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. The changed the memory, creates more distance.“
The time was moving closer to the witnesses by the Nazi injustice to stand, could reports. “Our memorial culture must adapt to that. (…) What we need now are new approaches to take advantage of historical experiences for the present. Our history must be a reminder to a knowledge of the project.“
German foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD).Photo: dpa/ Bernd von Jutrczenka
On Holocaust remembrance day on 27. January the six million murdered European Jews and other victims of national socialism. 27. January 1945 were freed by Soviet soldiers, the Survivors of the Auschwitz extermination camp. The camp is a symbol for the Nazi crimes. The Bundestag, too, remembered annually in a ceremony of remembrance of the victims, this year, next Thursday. In the stadiums of the Bundesliga clubs was reminded at the weekend, also to the Auschwitz liberation.
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The Chancellor, anti-Semitism and the people of the enemy propaganda are unfortunately still part of our society. She referred to the 2018 created the office of the Commissioner of the Federal government for the fight against anti-Semitism and the planned nation-wide reporting office for anti-Jewish Attacks. “We see today very different forms of anti-Semitism: Even the hatred of Jews by the local population, but also by immigrant Muslim people, take this hatred in a completely different way again.”
Maas warned in the post with a view to the digitisation: “What was once geraunt at the pub, is now with one click, for all the world to the public.” Hate can spread faster and in agitation and in the worst case, violence. “We see, as in Europe, nationalism is propagated and enemy images are used in order to justify their own dull ideology. Right-wing populist provocateurs, to relativise the Holocaust in the Knowledge that such a taboo maximum attention given.“
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The Minister: “Our culture of remembrance is crumbling, under pressure from the extreme Right.” The more dangerous the ignorance was the young German, the have revealed to a CNN survey. “40 percent know little or nothing about the Holocaust. These are shocking Figures, and we must not accept passively. We must preserve the stories of the people who can from their own Experience of the Incredible reports.“ (dpa)