With the help of a new “Commission of integration,” want to find out, the Federal government, such as in the immigration country Germany, the social solidarity fasten. The integration capability is also explicitly not only the New but also the old-established population and of the administration and the institutions on the list of tasks of the Commission, whose members are all specialists from the policy, but mainly from the science. “Good integration policy is always a good structural policy for all people in our country”, said the Minister of state for Migration and Integration, Annette Widmann-Mauz (CDU) after the inaugural session of the Commission on Wednesday. You expect that you will “develop Standards for successful Integration”. Also to “recording standby and recording will” of the native Germans it’ll go, ‘ said the state Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the interior Markus Kerber, who represented his prevented Minister Horst Seehofer. “A significant outcome” of the election to the Bundestag in 2017, the establishment of a “deep uncertainty” in the face of growing diversity. The fact that you are waiting for answers.

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study of the Böll Foundation, communities Need more influence in the refugee policy?

Andrea Dernbach

The Commission is expected to be the first of the Federal government, the heads of which are themselves an immigrant background have not even immigrated. Derya Caglar, as the daughter of Turkish parents in Berlin-Neukölln born, there was only local politics; since 2016 the SPD member represents their home district in the Berlin house of representatives. The second equal rights Commission, Chairman of the CDU-politician Ashok-Alexander Sridharan. The native of Bonn, the son of German-Indian parents, in September 2015, the mayor of his home town. Both want to present by mid-2020, a final report, so far, six meetings of the 25 heads strong Commission are planned. The establishment of the Commission had decided the SPD and the Union in their coalition agreement from March of last year. In the Text of the speech was, above all, that “the ability to integrate our society must not be overwhelmed”. Which is not to be measured only, “such as the inclusion and Integration of immigrant people in the society to succeed, rather, it also includes our claim to take into account the living conditions of the people living here, especially given the need to manage immigration”. It was called the provision of day-care centres, schools and homes.

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