We note that this violation has occurred with the air carrier which has been inside the Swedish territory, ” says Peter Hultqvist if the infringement occurred to the south of the town of Karlshamn in Blekinge during Saturday.

tillträdesförordningen and there are international regulations about not to violate each other’s borders without permission. For this cause will the foreign MINISTRY to contact Russian embassy to call attention to this, ” says the secretary of defense.

– naturally, We believe that it is fundamental to respect other countries ’territory,” stresses Peter Hultqvist.

The Russian signalspaningsplanet escorted by two fighter jets after a short moment came in the Swedish airspace. From the Swedish side were two gripen aircraft from the incidentberedskapen against the russians.

” I can, in all cases, note that the Swedish incidentjakt was up in the context. So we had control and what they did or did not do, I can not go into. But we reacted to it, ” answers Peter Hultqvist.

the foreign MINISTRY says the DN to a representative of the Russian embassy, will be called to a meeting to be held on Monday.