Google has faced tough criticism after a number of american media reported about the company to have access to up to 50 million patients ‘ health information.

the Back is a cooperation agreement between google and the United states major health giants belonging to Ascension-chains with.

Google got the contract with knowledge of the patients name, date of birth, address, hospital visits, laboratory results and diagnoses. Health data has been stored in the Google Cloud -in the cloud.

in the Same cloud service also deals with the Finnish health information. Finnish genetic research project Finngas collect Google Cloud currently over half a million Finnish health information.

Google cloud in preserving the Finnish dna isolated from genetic and disease data. Data are pseudonymisoitu, i.e. they can not be combined with a specific person without additional information. Google Cloud not preserved the name or social security numbers other than the united states.

Google Cloud chosen a good data security due to the

Finngas-the project has been in operation from 2017. Google Cloud selected data storage location to be in the early stages.

FinnGenin scientific director of Aarno Palotie according to any of the individual level data cannot be copied or saved outside the system.

– Google was chosen because it was at that moment the information safe environment. Google unable to safeguard the security of the best. In addition, it was the environment, which analysis tools really can bring.

the genetic information processing requires a system of large computing power. Google cloud in such calculation is Palotie possible.

FinnGenin survey data is maintained in line with EU law in Europe, servers located.

the Expert believes Google

F-Secure research director Mikko Hyppönen had to google quite a safe place for data storage.

– the Data is safer on google’s server than the authority servers.

Hyppönen according to the reason for this are google’s overwhelming resources to ensure data security.

in the united states Google has denied it will merge the patient data consumers other data. Hyppönen does not believe that it would be google for smart business.

Why Google is not interested in people’s health data? Google is not stupid. It makes a really big business cloud services. If Google take your cloud services data and combining them into market data, it would stop google’s cloud service business very quickly.

Read more:

Finnish has been transferred to 10 million samples in biobanks without consent – even in the dead samples can be handed over to international pharmaceutical giants use

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