It is one of the terrorgruppens propagandaorgan al-Furqan, which on Monday published the video, writes The Independent.
appeared in the picture was in July 2014 when he took part in a religious ceremony in Mosul in northern Iraq. Now it is an aged ICE-leader, whose black beard has become more grey as seen in the 18 minute long video where he is seen talking to other ICE members. Where he makes again clear that the ICE of terror should be directed against christians.
” to be frank, the battle for islam and its people to the cross, and its people is a long stroke, said ICE-the leader among other things.
According to several news agencies are going ICE-the leader in the video have said that the fighting in the Baghuz in Syria is over, the fighting in the city ended on 23 march. Baghuz was the last strip of land that was included in the ICE självutropade ”caliphate”.
that IS performed 92 operations in eight countries, as a revenge for the IS-members who have been killed in the latest fighting. ICE-leader also says that IS now entering another phase that he is similar to a war of attrition, thus the terrorist attacks on the other side than in the Middle east.
In the video tribute to al-Bagdadi also suicide attacks in Sri Lanka, something that shows that the video is recorded during the last week.
” I was overjoyed when I heard about the attacks in Sri Lanka. And it was with god’s grace as there were americans and europeans in Sri Lanka, ” says al-Bagdadi also.
was first identified by the SITE Intel Group, which follows the terrorist organisations on his Twitter.
According to the SITE-the head Rita Katz see al-Bagdadi relaxed when he discusses the war against the ”crusaders”, which IS call their opponents, with other ICE members whose faces have been covered over to protect their identity. al-Bagdadi also says that one should avenge those followers who died or were imprisoned when Baghuz was lost.
the Text is updated.
Erik Ohlsson: ”The invisible sheik” maps out a new path for the terrorsekten ICE
Read more: Terrorexperten: al-Bagdadi trying to emulate bin Laden