From Melbourne to Madrid, from Cape town to Cologne: On Friday demonstrated in the case of a global day of action, hundreds of thousands of students for more ambition in climate protection. Rallies under the slogan “Fridays For the Future,” there were in almost all major European cities, including Rome, Paris, London, Vienna and in Copenhagen and Stockholm.

in dozens of German cities, young people and their supporters took to the streets instead of to school – the organizers estimate their number nationwide to about 300,000 in over 230 cities nationwide. In Berlin alone, 15,000 to 20,000 people took part, according to police. The organizers spoke of around 25,000 participants. Also in Cologne and Munich, respectively, more than ten thousand according to the police, information on the legs.

Around the globe, more than 2000 rallies, and student strikes in more than 120 countries were announced in Germany around 200. The core demands: a fast for the climate-damaging combustion of coal, Oil and Gas, no more subsidies for these “dirty” energy sources, more investment in renewable energy from the wind and the sun.

the symbolic figure of the protest wave, the 16-year-old Swedish student, Greta Thunberg, the go since August of 2018, on Fridays for a bold fight against climate change, demonstrated instead of to school. She has become an icon for environmentalists around the world. In many cities, demonstrators held signs with the slogan “Make the world Greta again” in the height – based on the campaign slogan of U.S. President Donald Trump “Make America great again”.

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Thunberg, who protested along with Thousands of comrades-in-arms in Stockholm, noted the Ruling of the world’s little ambition in the fight against global warming. Instead of acting, wasted politicians of all places, time. In an article in the British “Guardian” wrote Thunberg along with other young organizers of the “Fridays For Future”: “This movement had to come, we had no choice.” The “something very wrong” would have you the recent forest and land fires in Sweden and the USA, as well as Floods and droughts in Australia and Germany have shown. The earth rhitzung was “the greatest danger humanity has ever faced”.

“The dinosaurs thought they had time”

Of the adult. don’t expect the movement, the youth of hope donation, wrote Thunberg and their comrades-in-arms “We want that you panic. We want you to join.“ On posters at protests in Germany, it was said, among other things: “We do not learn for a destroyed future” or “missing hours, we, the climate change does not cope with”. Other signs had with inscriptions such as “The dinosaurs thought they had time” and “the world Would be a car company, you would have saved you a long time”.

climate activist Greta Thunberg on Friday in Stockholm photo: REUTERS/TT News Agency/Henrik Montgomery

in fact, time is of the essence: even now, the earth has warmed to the Findings of the IPCC, compared to the pre-industrial era by about a degree Celsius. The years 2015 to 2018 were according to analyses by the world meteorological organization, the four warmest since records began in the 19th century. Century. It goes on as before, is the end of this century, the world is probably a good three degrees warmer. Among the fatal consequences of more heat waves, longer droughts, and more storms, depending on the Region, heavy rain and high water. To stop the Trend, reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases from the burning of coal and Oil or from animal husbandry.

support for the originally of young people-initiated movement from other generations. As a result, around 20,000 scientists from Germany, Austria and Switzerland have signed a statement to Express the concern of the climate movement reproduction. Also parents with “Parents for Future” on the side of the young people. You asking, among other things, to waive education referrals, or other disciplinary action, if students for protests to stay the course.

From the Community

Svenja Schulze, said she was ‘grateful for the Wake-up call’. Now the politicians are feverishly looking for the snooze button.

…writes user Heiner wiegel

climate activist Neubauer wants to make “all parties really scared”

According to the view of Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) should demonstrate the students after school in their free time, as he said to the “mirror”. Similar to the transport Minister, Andreas Scheuer, expressed in an Interview of the editors ‘ network, Germany. Last week, however, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, had welcomed the student protests specifically.

The German climate activist Luisa Neubauer, a 22-year-old student, announced in SWR another major Protest for 24. May, “if we are to make the European choice for the climate choice and massively on the streets in the whole of Europe, in order to make directly before the elections, all the parties really scared”.

In new Zealand, where the first protests started in the world, said co-ordinator Sophie Handford (18) the German press Agency: “We are the ones who will inherit this earth. We deserve to be in the conversation, what kind of future we have.“ In Australia, the organisers of an estimated 150 000 participants in dozens of cities, languages, also in Spain, there were several tens of thousands. In Rome, thousands of students flocked to the Imperial forums, while they chanted in the sunshine “We have only one planet” and “We are the change”.

More about

“Fridays for Future” in the news blog Up to 25,000 participants at a Demo for the climate protection in Berlin

Anne Armbrecht, Melanie Berger, Matthias Jauch Jana Demnitz

Also in India, several Hundred students were involved in the capital New Delhi and other cities. In Gurugram, a suburb of New Delhi, wore a girl, a smock, on the “I don’t want to suffocate.” New Delhi Gurugram (formerly Gurgaon), according to Figures from the world health organization, WHO, to the 13 cities with the worst particulate pollution in the world – all 13 are in North India. (dpa)