foreign minister Pekka Haavisto (gr.) trying to pressure the foreign ministry officials to bring the consul to ride with syria’s al-Hol refugee camp children in Finland, told ilta-sanomat (you move to another service).

minister Haavisto did not want to comment on the Night-said of the case. He is currently on a business trip in the Hague.

IS:no data, according to the foreign ministry was developed in the Mission Wilderness -that goes by the name of the plan, which was intended to withdraw to the al-Hol refugee camp in Syria the Finnish children in the autumn in Finland without their mothers.

the foreign ministry officials, consular chief of the Pasi Import refused the proposal, ilta-sanomat told. Ilta-sanomat according to sources, this would have been one of the reasons that brings in a couple of weeks ago ousted its tasks.

ilta-sanomat, according to That not agreed that he should be an individual civil servant responsibility laws and international agreements breaches withdrawal of the operation, which was not a political decision.

Haavisto has denied officials the pressure from the Day-say for.

that the displacement is confirmed to Yle from the state department. That the transfer from his post has been in the consular service of the staff unpleasant surprise.

Niikko: the Children that only Finland would violate the law

the Parliamentary foreign affairs committee chairman Mika Niikko (ps.) requires a report from foreign minister Pekka Haavistolta. Niikko, the committee has received the opposite information.

We have been told that children bring to Finland without mothers would violate the consular law. We have also understood that such are not taken, because it would be against the law.

the foreign minister Pekka Haavisto is coming to the foreign affairs committee on Tuesday. Niikko according to haavisto’s report also wants the government party.

we understand young children need, but the law can not work, Niikko said.

the true finns position has been that Al-Holista will not be returned to Finland, the Isis-fighters, members of the family, no women, no children.

Prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) is comment, for example, parliamentary question time. He has stated in June like this:

– currently, we do not consider any special evacuation measures.

Official: I will not comment in any way

Yle asked on Monday the consular chief Pasi Tuomiselta comment on the issue.

– I will not comment this matter in any way, importing a notes.

the foreign ministry’s foreign and security policy, corresponding to the communication expert Pekka Shemeikka also do not comment on Day-said the information on the course of events.

He said, however, that the chances of the al-Hol camp of the finns to help out all the time.

– Assistance required oneshe is studied and has been studied for a long time. The situation in the camp is gone all the time for the worse, Shemeikka said to Yle.

Green chair Maria Ohisalo is in Brussels, the EU interior and justice ministers meeting. Also Ohisalo has refused to comment on the matter. The reason is Excessive according to the information that IS “case data are not necessarily true”.

Essayah asked a written question

the Christian democrats president Sari Essayah left on Monday to issue a written question to the government.

the Bulletin Essayah refers to the Day-says the information and write that citizens have a right to know how things have been done. According to him, “government information line in such a serious matters can’t be it, not to comment or you don’t remember what has been done”.

that’s Why the government must match the number about the foreign ministry officials to implement the al-Hol camp in the children’s withdrawal and the implementation of the mission officials in their name, without the government’s political decision? And on the other hand, relates to that of ousting the foreign secretary of the informal orders of non-compliance, Essayah writes.

the Government must respond to a written question within 21 days.

haavisto of the treaty on the functioning complaints

the attorney general’s office has become a complaints foreign minister haavisto’s activities. Complaints regarding alleged consular chief Pasi that the pressure and exclusion.

Complaints has become four and they have arrived today, Monday. Complaints olvat terse and potentially leaves the data on the basis of the written, assessed justice with erin office of the registrar’s office.

the legal chancellor to supervise the government and ministries office of the law.

see also:

officials of the surprising positive displacement stirred up by the foreign ministry’s staff: “we have a small atmosphere of fear at the moment”

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