Mrs Cadwalladr, as an investigative journalist you have done a year ago, the identity of the Whistleblower Christopher Wylie public with his consent. Wylie worked for Cambridge Analytica and programmed a Tool with which the Trump-election campaign team, as well as the Brexit campaigns took advantage of the Facebook data of millions of people, to influence them. Your searches have made, the shareholders of Facebook in 2018 and to 160 billion dollars poorer. How was it for you?

That was crazy! I had no idea that this story would go – as would explode Facebook on our doorstep. My work has alarmed many people, and of course it is a huge confirmation, if you understand: I could make a difference.

you do not only get a lot of recognition, but a lot of enemies. It means they were all hysterical, insane, criminal, widespread conspiracy theories. She meets the?
Sometimes it was too much. There was this mounted to the Video where I beat up to the sounds of the Russian national anthem and the gun was threatened. That scared me, because it violates boundaries, and violence against journalists is unacceptable. Once it said I was a crazy “Catwoman”. That goes against me as a middle-aged woman, without a family and children, a witch of modern times.

your revelations sound like a Netflix-scenario: An American billionaire to influence the outcome of the Brexit referendum with a company in the UK – we quote you – “the biggest constitutional change of the century”. And the Russians are all in this.

I couldn’t believe it at first. And Steve Bannon, the then chief strategist of Donald Trump, was Vice-President of this company Cambridge Analytica, with its data collecting in the centre of the Whole stand.

What exactly did you prove?

There are two campaigns was before the Brexit Referendum. With the later foreign Minister, Boris Johnson, called “Vote Leave”. And the campaign to Nigel Farage, the front man of the UK Independent Party: “Leave.The EU“. It is proven that the organisers have spent more money, than the election law allows. It is also shown the cooperation of the two groups, which is also prohibited. In addition, the source for the largest donation, with all of this was financed is not known. This will now be officially determined.

Carole Cadwalladr

Carole Cadwalladr, 49, is a reporter. She grew up in Cardiff, Wales. After studying in Oxford, she learned the journalistic craft in the “Daily Telegraph” and made a name for himself as a writer of great stories. In 2006, her novel “How to explain the love”, which was translated into many languages appeared. Since then, she works as a freelance writer, primarily for the “Guardian”. There, the multiple award-winning journalist, revealed how the company Cambridge Analytica, the US billionaire Robert Mercer with the data of Facebook users manipulated the vote on the Brexit. The scandal made headlines worldwide.

And Facebook served as a source of data for the Brexit campaign.

Yes. It is clear that data for the campaigns were illegally procured in Facebook. The British data protection is now investigating officer. And there are indications that the Russian government has worked with the insurance entrepreneur Arron Banks, the main sponsor of the Brexit campaign. We know that the Russians have made him an offer.

you mean, all these linkages have manipulated the outcome of the referendum?

This can of course not prove it. But it is plausible. Why else would the players should pursue such an effort? I think that these illegal activities were intended to affect a predictable close decision. Very much money has been spent.

How, exactly, is supposed to have looked like this influence?

It went to one percent of the voters. “Vote Leave” has developed for this a percent strategy: micro-targeting. The focus shifted to people who were seen as easily influenced, initially, young, white voters from the working class. You have lured them with a kind of Online game: “Tap the results in European football competitions, and you can win 50 million pounds.” To football it is not, but solely to the data of the participants was, of course.

Just because I am interested in football, I’m not, but for the Brexit.

no, but the data were always filtered fine. A is interested in soccer, certain music, certain clothes, certain messages. In this way, Cambridge Analytica was able to create the sought after personality profiles. So the key to let the audience find the start on the subject of Immigration.

How to reach the relevant audience?

By turning up in the last two days of the vote of the faucet. The people began to be tailored to you Facebook and Google Ads.

was stoked With the fear of immigrants?

More about

The affair of the Cambridge Analytica Post of Trump

Thomas Gehringer

Yes, with the so-called “Dark Ads”. To posters on the street, representing Immigration as a threat.

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