Kaisa Laine and Uula Jouste decided to organize a common 18-year-party Kaisa’s home for more than a year ago. There the situation escalated, such as Kaisa’s pictures.

but I Had a connection with a guy that she goes to sleep downstairs. I ask then Uulalta, will he sleep next to me.

Uula come.

the Next day the young people decided to see where the relationship progresses.

Matriculation exams results today

Now Kaisa and Uula Jouste waiting frantically for autumn matriculation exams results. Kaisa has changed the name jousteen be. They are a married couple.

on Thursday make sure that they are also fresh high school graduates.

Yeah, good grades are facing! Kaisa message.

tampere, the year has been as revelry. Jousteen moved in together in the fall and about two weeks after they were married. Young people get married before 19 years old.

the Courtship at the beginning they were still suspect of marriage and the traditional couple relationship.

– Together, after we noticed, that the marriage sound so stupid. This is not help other than to get married, we think, Kaisa Jouste tell.

Many an outsider thinks that Jousteen are married for religious reasons. It is not the reason. Jousteen not been “forced” to get married, they just wanted to go.

Uula Jouste consider, that before has been married for practical reasons. Their reason was throwing himself of. It feels good.

– We do not cherish the traditions. One of our buddies is not married. At least it doesn’t yet have none of the trend circle of friends, the Jousteen say.

Young marriage rare

Fresh college graduate, you want to break with tradition. Marriage at a young age is now a radical, Jousteen think.

And really rare.

according to Statistics finland (switch to another service) under 19 years of age went to last year married a total of 89 pairs in Finland.

Kaisa and Uula Jouste hääkuvassaan. Jousteen family album

number of marriages has decreased considerably. Last year agreement was signed on 23 799 marriage, which is several thousand less than the year before.

Jousteen violate the traditions also in the fact that they are not going to be jealous. They liked the realism of it, that one can fall for the other during the marriage.

on the other Hand, they dream of a moonstone wedding anniversary which is the anniversary of 85 years of marriage. Then Kaisa and Uula were more than a hundred years old.

we Looked at the wedding the next day from Wikipedia of all the wedding anniversary names. After all, this peace and stable feel, Kaisa Jouste tell.

“, Each set up for the family, when you feel like it”

the first youngest age at marriage has risen in Finland. The average age of women was the last year of 31.7 years for men and to 33.9 years.

Kaisa Jouste understand that many wants to build a career before marriage. On the other hand, in Finland there has been much talk about how many postpones a family so late that it becomes cumbersome.

– Each set up for the family, when you feel like it. Our children are not topical. Marriage for us was a really workable solution.

the Young couple intends to move to Helsinki to study. Happy already year. Jani Aarnio / Yle

Uula Jouste said that it is nice to move to a new town with his wife. Jousteen aim to study in Helsinki. Kaisa wants to study at the university of Helsinki the Finnish language and literature and Uula music.

– we liked Helsinki and we had moved in together there too. In helsinki there are people with whom I’d like to do music stuff, Uula Jouste said.

– Tuning and whisk store

Even three years ago no one would have believed that Kaisa, then Laine, and Uula Jouste get married. They started Kaleva high school and began to be entertained in the same friendship circle.

1.5 years ago, they found the emotions have changed. Both were dating with the others, but my friend began to feel increasingly closer to you.

– we Adjust a few months vaguely. We hung out at school a lot and had softened the trade, Kaisa Jouste pictures.

follow your 18-year-old party, which Uula come to bed Kaisa’s next.

Kaisa and Uula Jouste met Kaleva high school in Tampere. Jani Aarnio / Yle”there wasn’t any drama”

Later, the young people joke about a group of friends, how 18, it is possible to get married. The joke became serious a couple of days.

– we Ended up with a solution jointly. If I was it wasn’t me who brought it up first? Uula asks.

the Same memory image is Section.

I was somehow so easy from the beginning. Wasn’t any drama. We were on the same line of values and life attitudes in the relationship. Everything falls hotel stationary. I feel that it is easy to go to build a serious case.

the Magistrate was filled

for a Part of the family of a young marriage came as a surprise. However, no one opposed.

– Mom said that pretty fast you go, well, well. Speech remained a break for a while, Uula Jouste with a laugh.

the future mother-in-law approached according to Kaisa, however, more relaxed than many others.

the Young couple had to get married in the registry office only a few witnesses. Eventually, however, the families and the guys you meet throughout the magistrate.

– the Wedding party was in the morning family and the family and later in the evening friends came to the wedding feast.

household Chores turn out better than a roommate with

in a couple of months on the basis of married life is going Jouste well.

– I used to Live in roommate. With him was harder to fit housework than Uula with. We have been surprisingly easy, Kaisa Jouste said.

Housework can be Uula according to a flexible fit.

at Least yet, Kaisa says with a laugh.

Kaisa Jouste wants to study the Finnish language and literature and maybe be a journalist. Uula Jouste wants to trade music. Jani Aarnio / Yle

along with a couple of gigs or eating. Another remembered the small gestures in everyday life.

– Kaisa is really smart and understand things. He can lutvia problem so that we reach a consensus, Uula praises.

– Uula is understanding and smart and funny and handsome, Kaisa similar praise.

graduation and migration to Helsinki

the Couple did not arrange common ylippilas to celebrate, but the family are having a party separately.

– there have been No specific fire plan to celebrate after the wedding, Kaisa Jouste said.

the couple hopes that the helsinki to find housing this year.

we Get in the spring places to study. But even if they do not immediately paukahtaisi, I guess we’ll go to Helsinki we moved in and explore our scene. Hang out there and work and study in an open school, if the place of study does not shed immediately, Kaisa Jouste said.

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