Ministers in the midst of it had had their mobile phones confiscated. The prime minister didn’t want to risk that they did what they used to do: texting to their journalistkompisar from the toilet. Here, it would not twittras out a few rumors. This was said to be perhaps the most important cabinet meeting in 50 years.

the Risk to the Uk crashing out of the EU, but an agreement has never been greater. The parliament failed on Monday to agree on a plan to avoid this scenario and now it was up to the government.

the , or well, she stayed inside. It was raining. But as soon as the journalists saw the pulpit, they understood that the prime minister in any case would not call for any new election. Such rumors had gone the whole day. But now they had instead highlighted the official stand of government affairs.

And it may not be used, when to call for new elections.

What was it Theresa May had come here to advertise? With nine days left until time runs out for Brexitförhandlingarna and the Uk crashing out of the EU, there should reasonably be something radically.

A new grip?

Perhaps even something for british politics as unusual as a compromise?

It was not.

announced Theresa May that she intends to ask the EU to postpone Brexitdatumet: from next week to may 22. (It is the last date that the united kingdom can remain a member of the EU without having to participate in european parliament Elections.)

Theresa May said that she intends to sit down with the leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn and negotiate. The prime minister invited simply in the Labour party to try to find a solution.

What does this mean?

Yes, you can either see it as Theresa May carefully start approaching a softer Brexit. She has realized that any kind of softening of her own ill-fated Brexitavtal is necessary. Otherwise, the parliament will never accept the situation .

Or, as one might see it as Theresa May completely cynical now offers Jeremy Corbyn and the opposition an opportunity to take part of the blame for a coming Brexithaveri. The disaster that Theresa May perhaps begin to suspect that everything’s probably still going to result in.

to be able to say that she has tried it all: she has been drinking tea with Jeremy Corbyn. And unfortunately it has not worked. The country now has no other choice, than a avtalslös crash out of the EU.

And if such a hard hit to the british economy?

Yes, then it is in any case not Theresa Mays fault.

Or, in all cases, not only Theresa Mays fault.