Russian President Putin and North Korea’s ruler, Kim want to meet in the Kremlin, according to this month in Russia. In the relationship between the United States and North Korea are meanwhile, new tensions. North Korea has tested a new weapon in the nuclear weapons negotiations with the United States demanded that foreign Minister Mike Pompeo in the future to exclude. the

Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un want to meet, according to information of the presidential administration in Moscow later this month in Russia. At the invitation of Putin, Kim is expected in the second half of April in Russia, informed the Kremlin in Moscow on Thursday. Russian media reported that the Meeting in Vladivostok in the far East of Russia and in the vicinity of the North will be prepared for the Korean border. As a possible dates of 23. or 24. April called. Is not confirmed but. It will be the first Meeting between Putin and Kim.

Moscow is for an easing of sanctions in return for Pyongyang’s when controversial nuclear program. Currently, according to Russian media information about tens of thousands of North Korean guest workers would have to leave the country.

In the relationship between North Korea and the United States are significant tensions. US President, Donald Trump had a meeting after the historic first summit in June 2018 over the months, relent, Kim’s in the nuclear dispute. At the end of February for a summit between the two in Hanoi was canceled prematurely. As the crux of Washington’s refusal was to loosen the sanctions against North Korea, before it takes not verifiable nuclear disarmament steps.

On Wednesday has tested North Korea for the first Time since the aborted summit public weapons. The Test of a new tactical system with a strong warhead had monitored Kim personally, told the state-run Agency KCNA on Thursday. In addition, the country does not want to negotiate in the nuclear talks with the United States longer with US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo. You need someone who “could communicate more cautious and more Mature,” it said in the madness. The refusal of the Person to Pompeo for further negotiations KCNA quoted the high-ranking North Korean foreign representative Kwon Jong gun with the words, the Meeting in Hanoi, have shown that the talks went bad, “whenever Pompeo his nose into it” had been inserted.