the round table, organised by Sweden and the Stockholm international peace research institute, Sipri, was held at a conference facility outside of Stockholm since last Friday and ended on Monday.

Talks have been constructive and focused on developments in and around the Korean peninsula, including confidence-building, economic development and long-term commitment, ” says Buster Mirow Emitslöf, presskommunikatör at the state department.

details about the content of calls or whether or not they resulted in any concrete proposals or measures the department is not in on.

north korea’s vice foreign minister, Choe Son Hui, the U.S. envoy for north Korea Stephen Biegun, and Lee Do-Hoon, south Korea’s special envoy with regard to peace and security on the Korean peninsula.

From the MINISTRY’s side, the calls have mainly been led by the government’s envoy to the Korean peninsula, Kent Härstedt, the cabinet secretary Annika Söder and minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström. From the Industry side has, among others, former foreign minister and previous UN deputy secretary general Jan Eliasson participated, and also a number of different experts, both Swedish and foreign, will have participated.

Nordkoreamötet: Good atmosphere and very positive

says to TTatt talks ”have taken place in a very good atmosphere”. She believes that they can be seen as preparations for a new summit between the president of the united states, Donald Trump, and north Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un.

– Yes, you might well say. We hope that it will serve as a good preparation for a future summit, ” she says.

Sweden’s role: Facilitate the negotiations between the Trump and Kim

Donald Trump give on Twitter a picture of nedrustningsförhandlingarna with north Korea is going very well, writes TT.

” That’s what we want to see, that this led into a number of tracks that must run in parallel, both talking about how to create better trust as partners and how, in practical terms to conduct the monitoring and the process of nuclear disarmament. It is the core issue, says Margot Wallström.

When it is necessary, however, that it will longer than the agreement signed between north Korea and the united states at the last summit in Singapore, she says.

” So it is. Usually it is so that you start with the type of negotiations and then you have a summit confirm and sign. But here, it has made it a little vice versa, ” says minister for foreign affairs to the TT.

Donald Trump is planning to meet Kim Jong-Un at the end of February, and according to CNN there is going to be in Vietnam.