One of my finest helgtraditioner is that every Saturday read bioannonserna at the back of the magazine. This week caught my attention by a sentence: in the ad for the documentary ”Mating” quoted a DN-review by Wanda Bendjelloul here: ”Give you muscle soreness in the smilbanden!!”
It sounded strange överentusiastiskt with those two utropstecknen. An exclamation point – fine! Three exclamation marks – perhaps to stylistically portray an ironic and exaggerated sense!!!
But two? No, never two.
In particular, it was strange, because the DN’s filmredaktörer are so careful to clean up texts on the misuse of punctuation. And very real: there are no exclamation marks at all in the review. The sentence in question ends with a sober point. A marketer somewhere, has thus arbitrarily adjusted Bendjellouls emotion. Which allowed her to appear in unfairly unflattering light, as a writer.
movie review: ”Mating” depicts a small sexual revolution
the reviews in the bioannonser is certainly a mature branch of marketing. I remember the case of ”Hamilton,” where the ad tryfferades with four happy wasps, while the film, in fact, had two (it was Persbrandts effort which was worthy of four, but there was no one to know). There have also been cases of faked quotes of fictional film critic.
”Mating”-the ad also ends with the quote ”a Thousand times better than ’A star is born’!” which is a somewhat strange comparison – a documentary about two tjugoåringars sex life on Tinder versus an american drama about a middle-aged rock musician gone to the dogs? Even more strange is that the quote attributed to a ”Eric Homman”, a person who completely lacks the search results on the web and can’t seem to engage in any filmkritisk activities.
With that said: in the weekend I saw ”Mating”. It is a very nice and warm documentary. It had been hoped that the marketers had dared to believe in the film as it is, and not have to resort to so desperate grip.
So go and see it, for all part!!!