In the Conservatives skuggmotion to vårbudgeten suggest the party an increase of a total of just over a quarter of a million kronor for the three terrorbekämpande authorities during the next year.

– When it comes to the Fbi it is all about punktmarkera and in this way prevent potential terrorist incident. It is also about the FRA must be able to engage in signals intelligence to a larger extent, the security service is dependent on in order to be able to do its job, ” says Elisabeth Svantesson, the party’s economic policy spokesperson.

• 150 million to the security service from 2020, in order to increase the staffing and follow-potentially threatening actors.

• 125 million to the FRA by the year 2020 in order to meet authorities ‘ needs of the authority’s competence.

• 15 million to the public prosecutor’s office Riksenheten for the safety and Riksenheten for the international and organised crime, in order to increase the utredningskapaciteten when it comes to war crimes committed in for example Syria and Iraq.

they want to, like for example the Uk, be able to revoke the Swedish citizenship, for a person with dual citizenship who commit terrorist crimes. But it requires a change of the constitution and would take years to get the place.

” I regret that Sweden does not have the ability to now be able to revoke the citizenship, as you do in England. It is a mystery to me that the social democrats continue to say no to this opportunity, says the Conservatives rättspolitiske spokesperson Tomas Tobé.

the Party then wants the past to criminalize the participation in and affiliation with terrorist organizations, a law that justice minister Morgan Johansson (S), had wanted to have already in place before the parliamentary elections in 2018 but pulled out at the time. As late as in march stopped the government’s proposal after criticism from the Council of state which considered that the proposal breached the freedom of association.

– It is a senfärdig management, we held an exchange of views between several parties a few years ago. This legislation has been criticised for simply been too poor. What we cannot afford, we do not want to see an act that set on Drottninggatan shopping street again, ” says Svantesson.

want to party also doubling the budget of Europol, from 140 million by the year 2019 euros to 300 million euros and earmark some of the money to the Europol specific center to combat terrorism, ECTC.