No step back from the political leader, and no reorganization is different from the one already launched with the new facilitators, which will serve to give new form and force to the 5 Star Movement, in view of the States-General of march. Luigi Di Maio insists on greater collegiality. And just today, members of the M5s are called to make a new step forward with the choice, on the platform Rousseau, of the new “facilitation” or ” regional “Team of the Future”. And also with that of the candidates for the regional president of Liguria, Puglia and Tuscany. The choice of the candidates by the basis of the M5s could serve to Di Maio also to avoid new negotiations with the Pd.

But who are the facilitators? It is explained by the blog of the Stars. It is a sort of regional coordinators, “to which is entrusted the task of working on the territory so that the Movement can grow your organization in every single region.” The facilitators will operate “free of charge” in three main areas: external relations (relations with stakeholders, associations, committees, etc); internal relations (relations with the elected cinquestelle of the region, a point of support for the lists); training and involvement (in both the training of the elect and of the enrolled members, has been the involvement of new people who are interested to be part of the Movement).

Today you also vote on the destination of the so-called “refunds” of a share of the salary of the parliamentary pentastellati. The members will be called upon to decide between three projects that aim to support the weakest. For it were chosen, as done in the past, three funds of the State that deal with childhood, disability and violence against women. “All three funds operate in an independent and transparent manner and are working to improve the lives of so many people all over the Country,” is still read on the blog of the Stars.

in the Meantime, you are waiting for this week the first fines for the members of ‘delinquent’ who have not respected the rules of refunds. There are many courses to repair these days, so it would be possibly a number of the “content” of the expulsions that ensure sources internal to the Movement, does not undermine the holding of the executive to guide of Giuseppe Conte.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved reader COMMENTS Today In Bologna, the pride of the Sardine: “We are more than 40 thousand” Sardines, by the Brothers Deer Guccini up to Subsonica. Those words that warm Salvini and the propaganda of the tribal of Libya, the arms embargo and cease-fire. Now there is the commitment of the major powers, The run of Giuseppe Conte. Pressing on the Us for the yes to mission

the Republic