– It may be enough now. This was not a demonstration, it was a riot. These people were not protesters, but saboteurs and accomplices. The government needs to protect French citizens and especially those who are working, so now I want to ban these gatherings on the Champs-Élysées, said Macron to close to employees on Monday, according to Europe 1.

During the Monday afternoon reported the news agency Reuters that the Macros also want to extend the ban on Yellow vests-the demonstrations to other areas where demonstrations may be held.

– France will cancel the protests of the violent groups, which involved demonstrations with the intent to constitute havoc in Paris and other major cities, can be identified, said prime minister Edouard Philippe on Monday.

against the demonstrations will enter into force in the coming Saturday, under ‘ the circumstances where there are indications of the occurrences of the radical groups and their intention to cause injury.”

Later on Monday night announced the French prime minister, Édouard Philippe to the chief of police in Paris, Michel Delpuech, may leave his post. This after the ”inappropriate instructions” regarding police use of shot with rubber bullets against demonstrators, writes Le Monde.

Yellow vests-flag took to the Champs-Élysées this weekend for the eighteenth Saturday in a row. In many weeks, the demonstrations have been more peaceful than when they started, but now was arrested about 240 people in what closest can be described as riots with vandalism and looting, while police used tear gas and water cannons.

So here is what it looked like in Paris on Saturday. Photo: Alain Jocard/AFP

the department of the interior estimated the crowds at upwards of 8.000, but describes about 1,500 of these as belonging to an extreme wing of the perpetrators. Prime minister Édouard Philippe, acknowledged on Sunday that the measures so far taken have not been enough to prevent situations like Saturday’s.

Read more: Massgripanden after violent protests in Paris

started uppröjningsarbetet and the restoration of what was destroyed during Saturday’s violent protests. Although much is uppröjt were on Monday still several stores that were closed and which had big wooden planks over the broken shop windows.

It is unclear when all the damage is fixed and all the stores and restaurants could open again, including the historic restaurant, Le Fouquet, who had extensive fire damage. Similarly, the charred bank in the vicinity of the Champs-Élysées.

Image 1 of 6 the Restoration of the damaged storefronts were opened on the Sunday. Photo: GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT/AFP Image 2 of 6 On Sunday, the job was also hard to sweep up the broken glass. Photo: GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT/AFP Image 3 of 6 here was the historic restaurant Le Fouquet-out on Sunday after it’s been in flames on Saturday. Photo: GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT/AFP Image 4 of 6 Large wooden panels sit for the storefront that was destroyed. Photo: GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT/AFP Image 5 of 6 A police officer outside the bank eldhärjades in the vicinity of the Champs Élysées. Photo: GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT/AFP Image 6 of 6 You on the Champs Élysées. Photo: Rafael Yaghobzadeh Slideshow

is an unofficial group and has mainly been mobilised in the social media under the name ”les gilets jaunes” (yellow vests), with reference to the varselvästarna that has become their hallmark. The government has underlined that the protests are fully allowed, but for instance, it is illegal to block traffic, which was a significant element in the demonstrationernas the beginning, mainly focused on the increase in fuel prices.

Erik de la Reguera: the Movement shaking the French republic

taken back its decision to increase petrol and dieselskatterna, but before the news came, the movement has become broader than this and also spread to other countries. Yellow västarnas focus remains fragmented in the amounts of protestinriktningar, roughly divided from both the right and the left, and it is extremgrupper from both sides, which is blamed for the escalated events.