It is common to presidential candidates in the USA are launching their campaigns with a recorded monologue. But Joe Biden is one of the first candidates who have devoted their lanseringsvideo to a hard, direct attack on a sitting president.

In the three minutes long kampanjfilmen argue Biden to Trump betraying american ideals by their support for right-wing extremists and xenophobic ideas. He describes the next presidential elections as ”a blow for this country’s soul”.

is common in Biden, who is known to become teary-eyed during his speech. Bidens kampanjlansering also stands out for it’s patriotic message, which is relatively uncommon among democrats. His strategists have managed to draw the american flag in the letter ”e” in the Bidens last name in the campaign logo.

The 76-year-old Biden joins, thus, as the twentieth candidate for the Democratic field to challenge Trump in next year’s presidential elections. He met with immediate criticism from the party’s left flank, and from the progressive voices on social media. Implicit in his videos is that Biden wants to build on Barack Obama’s political vision, by putting an end to Donald Trump.

Barack Obama has previously said that Biden would be a ”superb president”, but according to his employees, he plans not to go out with public support for Biden this early in the election campaign.