In his book ”Life 3.0: to be human in the artificial intelligence era” paints Max Tegmark up a scenario where a group of young researchers at a start-up company to establish the economic, cultural and political world domination with the help of artificial intelligence. He shows how the first steps could be taken in secret, in just a few days.

Now SF Studios bought the rights to make an English-language tv series. It is described as a dramatised processing of Max Tegmarks book and his research on the impact of AI.

– I wrote the book to help people get into one of the most important debates of our time: how can we manage the growing power of the AI and how this can help rather than hinder humanity, ” says Max Tegmark, in a press release.

the scientists to secretly use the AI to create a better world, but this leads to a collision between the ideals and morality.

Max Tegmark is a professor of physics at the fysikinstitutionen at MIT, the Massachusetts institute of technology, in the united states. He is also the co-founder of the Future of life institute, a foundation from which to inform about the existential risks of artificial intelligence and create ”a movement for the benevolent AI”.

Read more: Max Tegmark afraid to skräckscenariot with artificial intelligence to become a reality