With its abrupt decision to withdraw from Syria to meet Trump, admittedly, an election promise from 2016. But the american establishment, both in the united states-the congress, in the military, was still on the bed. In particular, to the withdrawal of about 2,000 elitsoldaterna will be total and so rapid.

after all, It is a bang to Trump so drastically violate the most part:U.S. policy in the Middle east has been during the period after the second world war: To prevent hostile powers from dominating the region, to keep open access to the region’s oil resources and to defend Israel.

consulted by one of the member, whether within or outside the country. Foreign and försvarsutskotten in the congress was not, as is customary on important national security issues, any pre-contractual information. Not even general Joseph Dunford, the U.S.’s chief executive, who advocated a long-term american military presence in Syria, got to know something before the decision was taken.

One of Trump’s closest allies in congress, the republican senator Lindsey Graham, was aghast: “If it had been Obama who has done this had we become crazy”.

Just days before had James Jeffrey, the special envoy in Syria, said that the united states intends to stay in the country, to overpower the ICE and to ensure that victory will be permanent. Now claims Trump IS already defeated, which is an equally baseless claim that when he earlier this year claimed that he had received a promise from north Korean leader Kim Jong-Un that he would give up the country’s nuclear weapons.

declared a spokesman for the U.S. department of state that “we have made great progress to defeat the ICE, but the job is not finished”.

from what has leaked out from the internal discussions to both the national security advisor John Bolton as secretary of Mike Pompeo in vain have argued against a hasty US retreat, because it gives Iran a freer hand in Syria. Secretary of defense James Mattis, who also opposed a withdrawal, it is considered to no longer have Trumps ear.

It bares once again the deep gap between there Trump and his more hawkish advisers. Trump simply believe not that the united states has no vital interests to defend in Syria, just as it is in Iraq or Afghanistan. For him it has no value in itself to use the U.S. military as a counterweight against Russia or Iran. He sees that the rather is inserted at the border with Mexico to fight immigrants.

out Trump in a tweet: ”Want the USA to be the Middle east police, and not get anything back, except to make off with the precious human life and trillions of dollars to defend the other…?”


Trump also claimed that, contrary to what the critics say, is those who win on a retreat not at all Bashar al-Assad, Russia and Iran – as they are now by themselves, without U.S. help, to take care of the fight against ICE – that is now suddenly not at all knocked out.

However, the mentioned Trump is not likely to be the big losers in the latest phase: the Kurds, who have military control of northeastern Syria, but it will be difficult to maintain without U.S. patronage.