Startled by the indignant headlines about a supposed new refugee crisis, the British interior Minister Sajid Javid has cancelled his Christmas holidays. At the weekend he was on the phone with his French colleague Christophe Castaner, who promised him cooperation “in the fight against the English channel-Crossings”.

informed How the Ministry of the interior in London on Sunday, want to strengthen both countries in the coming weeks their patrols in the Strait. Also, you want to warn against the smuggling approach, and insistent against the dangers of a Crossing of a busy waterway in small boats.

The United Kingdom and France will build on their joint efforts in the fight against illegal Migration, to protect our borders and people’s lives,” said Javid.

On Sunday morning, six men landed on the beach of Kingsdown, just a few kilometres North-East of the port town of Dover, and had no resistance from the border guards. The Iranians have been medically cared for and in a reception centre for asylum seekers. According to the authorities, nearly 100 people, including minors and children have since Christmas eve, with a hose the sea boats overcome the Straits of Dover. At the most it is Syrian or Iranian nationals; the refugee Council of residents to the County of Kent, according to many Kurds.

daily mirror tomorrow location


order In the past two months have tried to count the BBC, more than 220 refugees the Crossing. The English channel is at its narrowest point between Calais and Dover is only 34 km wide. He is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, every day 400 to 500 ships there are on the road, the ferries between England and France not included. Experienced sailors compare the Crossing from France to England, Crossing an eight-lane highway at rush hour with a supermarket shopping cart.

The very small numbers of Refugees uses the already always to hysteria-prone London-based tabloid press in the news, poor after Christmas time to lurid headlines. From the “migrant chaos,” wrote the “Sunday Telegraph”. “Seized the boats in Calais” requested “Mail on Sunday”, based on Remarks of the conservative member of Parliament Anne-Marie Trevelyan, which represents in the lower house the more than 500 kilometers distant constituency of Berwick-upon-Tweed.

The cooperation with France is always at the heart of the UK’s refugee policy. At the recent British-German government consultation in January, Prime Minister Theresa May had said the neighbouring country, a contribution of 44.5 million pounds (49.4 million euros) for the border security in the Northern French port of Calais. Thousands of refugees gather again and again to try to come to the UK. With the money, especially the access roads to the channel tunnel have been marked with kilometre-long, – metre-high fences to impede the access to British trucks.

, The British border guard patrol in the port of Dover.Photo: Victoria Jones/PA Wire/dpa

it is Precisely these measures, the migrants would be tempted now to their daring voyages, says Bridget Chapman from the refugee Council of Kent. “I’ve seen images of people without life vests, that’s terrible.” The organised gangs of Smugglers, often run by British citizens, deserve at the last stage, up to five-digit sums.

Britain remains for many the dream destination

Many of the refugees are already since months on the road, but do not want to apply for asylum in France. The island is your dream destination: one of the most talk – sometimes better, sometimes worse – English, on the other, already existing ethnic minorities, especially in the multi-ethnic city of London, protection and access to Jobs, where it is almost always a black work. A return home to reject them. “I would rather die at sea than return to Iran,” said a Migrant to the Reporter of the “Sunday Times”.

Apparently people smugglers to heat up the Situation on the ground by the fact that they warn the migrants of the consequences of a Brexit: If Britain were to exit the EU, will make the Crossing even more difficult.

interior Minister Javid explained the Situation on the English channel coast, to a “serious incident”, but sees no short-term solution possibilities. The conservative group colleagues requested additional boats for border protection could have a knock-on effect, says the Minister, who is himself a son of Pakistani immigrants.

Church representative warns of hysteria

Javids Secretary of state Caroline Nokes was on Saturday the media in a yellow rescue vest filming at the port of Dover. A boat of the border guard behind her drove in a circle, gave the debate a humorous Note.

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Albrecht Meier

While the opposition Labour Party Javids as a missed denounced, warned representatives of the Church before the hysteria approach. It is about people, warned the Bishop of Dover, Trevor Willmott: “We should not forget that every person is precious.” The United Kingdom and France will build on their joint efforts in the fight against illegal Migration, to protect our borders and people’s lives,” said the British home Secretary Sajid Javid after a telephone conversation with his French colleague Christophe Castaner. (with AFP)