Two years ago, the Boston conservatory (you move to another service) musicology professor Joe Bennett make accurate scientific analysis, 78 of the christmas song, which the british had listened to the Spotify streaming service from most of the previous christmas.

the streaming service was chosen as a basis, not for example, radio stations playlists, so the songs were certainly those who had to listen to on purpose. 78, in turn, was a christmas number of songs in 200 song among them, which was to listen to more often.

Bennett and his team in pieces as the words as the music started and the size of one of the most popular elements.

the Study of their own locker, got the key and its possible replacement, the tempo and the time signature. Bells tickling into account separately.

in Addition, the breakdown of it, was the artist a man or a woman, or do you sing, perhaps, duo, choir or no one.

Words should be snow

Lyrics sorted pääteemansa according to the nine categories, one of which was speechless.

the Others were home (family, fireplace, gifts under the tree, and the other kind), love, lost love, dancing and other fun, santa claus and reindeer, snow and winter weather, religion and peace.

When the elements began to bracket favorites, the pitch was almost entirely flat major and the time signature 4/4. Almost half of the song jingle bells.

the most frequently occurring words were “snow”, “party”, “six”, “santa claus”, “love”, “home” and “cold”.

the Singer was 68% of the songs men and 24% women. The rest were either several singers made by or with instrumental tracks. Find out the number one artist Michael Bubblé . He has submitted songs was a list of the top ten.

the Analysis to give a complete jouluhitin formula (you move to another service): Taken from C – or A-flat major, the time signature 4/4 (either straight or swing) and tempo of 115 beats per minute. Added lyrics, featuring santa claus, snow, home and family or the love of christmas time. Peppered with the bells kilinällä chorus.

“the happiest christmas song” didn’t bite you

Bennett recruited songwriters Harriet Green and Steve Anderson to write the song, which come in all the favorite elements. Singer was asked at a london gospel choir the London Community Gospel Choir.

the cooperation was born from a Love’s Not Just For Christmas, which the author called the world iloisimmaksi christmas song and which Bennett praised the brilliant. It can listen to and watch on youtube (switch to another service).

the Singing did not come the next christmas everywhere raikaavaa hits and not this year either call.

the formula on the basis of the singer was supposed to be Michael Bubblé. Maybe he would have rushed across the track of your favorite lists.

What are the british then listening to christmas 2016, with streaming listen to Bennett based on the research? Nostalgia bites of many, either the original or the new author peppered with. Baby It’s Cold Outside and Santa Baby were 78 song among the three versions.

the Case is part of yle’s News and current affairs activities, science news of the christmas calendar. We publish daily science news, which is associated with this time of the year – directly or at least bend through. The last door opens on christmas eve.

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