The German Islam conference (DIK), now twelve years old, is the highest-ranking Forum of the conversation between the state and the German Islam. The ratio of the two sides is relatively reliable. As at the end of November was opened the recent conference in Berlin, not looked at it this way: Even Horst Seehofer, the Minister, had started his term in the spring with the big Bang, for him, Islam is part of Germany, repeated the sentence, although he had announced the day before in front of journalists, in his opening speech, and has also done a lot else for the success of the event: the current-DIK, he brought back to their spiritual father, Wolfgang schäuble’s former state Secretary Markus Kerber, as a friend of religion, legal equality of Islam is allowed to apply and in the Ministry of the interior of some of the veterans, as he called it, ironically, from the first DIK on his side know.

The old battles of the previous conferences to Western values and Islamic terrorist had already finished Seehofer’s predecessor, Thomas de Maizière, in Essence, as he oriented the conference to a practical life question of the Organisation of Islamic welfare work. They were now no longer an issue.

“Irrational Re-Ethnicization of associations”

a Little more complicated it looks on the Muslim side. The contact person for the state in the past few years, the four major associations are weakened, the two largest Ditib and IGMG is oriented more in the direction of Turkey than on the confrontation with German politicians and the authorities. From the Rise of Islam to the German religious constitutional law – from the outset, the expectation of number one at the DIK – today it is still little. Lastly, there is no more talk of that was also practical. That is not “well”, says Engin Karahan. The lawyer, on the field experience and as a consultant for Muslim, such as state actors, looks at the responsibility but also in the associations. The need to bring up the subject – but because the rule currently there is great disillusionment, where there are state contracts, such as, for example, in Hamburg and Bremen, “they lack the power to you to fill in”, because they put in those “irrational Re-Ethnicization”.

Aiman Mazyek, Chairman of the Central Council of Muslims sees this as a result of governmental action: “On the policy side, there is hardly a concrete roadmap for the recognition of Islam,” he says. That is the key question, “almost everything else is subordinate”. So the recent “shift of Muslim actors to the countries of origin is to explain, away from Germany”, the “us as a German religious community is especially affected, and create power”.

The conversation

demand is greater Now, it should inform Muslim-based structures. With the money earmarked in the Federal budget, wants to give the Federal interior Ministry of the Muslim commitment to the possibility of “over the mosque is also active in the life of society”. Many of the field were on the long list of guests of the Ministry for the kick-off of the 4. To find Islam conference: Whether the “Muslim visiting service for patients” founded a hospital in Gütersloh or the Cologne, “the action Alliance Muslim women”: Islam social work and social Engagement is everywhere to be found – and in the Rest of the female, as the first row of the associations work. However, too often, outside of the mostly municipal institutions.

Engin Karahan has noted in his work, for example, that young people who make Muslim youth, was something like the city youth ring is not a term – so the communal roof of the youth work. “Locally, there are so many, who have been working for decades on a volunteer basis, but you have the big Problem that there is little Transfer of Know-how, that you can’t dock, retrieve what you need.” At the same time, local structures are not prepared “still, Muslims, and integrate”.

That all the parties Involved talk to each other, could be the simple key to ensuring that Muslim civic Engagement is sometime a self-evident part of the city companies. First invitations to do something, has spoken to the Ministry, in the meantime, and want to make money. While Ditib with their growing orientation to Turkey’s Erdogan for the unprotected exchange of the Muslim future in Germany and also self-critical examination to all intents and purposes – at the end of last year, the entire national Board of Directors resigned in lower Saxony, under Protest, the conversation needs of the Muslim base.

This could, for instance, the founded over one year ago, the Alhambra company, which participated in the redesign of the DIK. The founding members were frustrated Ex-Federation officials such as Karahan and Muslim intellectuals such as the Frankfurt Islamic scholar Nimet Seker, and the social scientist Aydin Süer. What began with the “Friday’s words,” texts, so for all the Friday sermons to offered very little substance for the everyday life in Germany, has now become a debate forum.

Legal recognition of the open question

The panel discussions of the “Muslim Quartet”, the have invented the Alhambra-people and with you, in the meantime, the Republic of tours, Muslims are a protected space in which they can freely discuss without seeing it as such from the outside, attacked, or internally confronted with accusations that they betrayed their own Community through criticism. You don’t understand as the Alternative to the Muslim associations, says Aydin Süer, it was much too different, represent no particular Islam understanding. But Alhambra wool fill “a gap”: “spaces where we can share our knowledge and discuss difficult topics openly can argue, without ulterior motives”, it was all a strong need. They wanted to allow “dissent explicitly and the drawer thinking, both among Muslims and the General Public to overcome”.

New ideas, fertile in dispute and a more diverse public effect of the German Islam can be attacked from the outside harder and harder, and inwardly – not least – in some Parts of weary, use. As in the fall, a mosque was expensive, discussed similar to that of the Church, came a proposal from the surroundings of the Alhambra: The Cologne-based author and Journalist Eren Güvercin, a member of the Association, disagreed with the circulation of proposals having regard to Muslim structures, are not just Central, as for the Church tax is necessary. His provocative Thesis in a commentary for the Germany radio: the money is there, it will not properly invested. Dove reminded of the old Ottoman Tradition of the Foundation, in the mosque communities has always been organized: So the mosque could be built, financed, parts of the property and the money generated by rents to pay about the Imam. So, of course, Güvercin, the municipalities are Autonomous and no longer control as easily, such as by importing imams, the Turkish state will send.

More about

German Islam conference More autonomy, less Ditib

Andrea Dernbach

If the DIK helps a market of ideas in the German Islam build up, this could serve to independence, which is also requested by Muslims. The answer to the since the age of twelve open-ended question, such as the third-largest Religion to the religious constitutional law is integrated, it would be so to prepare. That is not currently provided, changes, Aiman Mazyek, there’s nothing that you need an answer. The Problem remains, “Postponed is not cancelled.”