When verkelegheita exceeds the political satiren, it’s almost as “New Again” may take a few weeks break. The formation of the new firlingregjering have in any case bet on the entertainment from the top shelf.
Columnist Earl Wåge
is the debater, writer, and former winner of the tell-competition “Storyslam”. Photo: Sunniva Halvorsen
Last published posts Ropstad is on good, old been bondefanga of Erna Solberg Erna is dumb as oysters It is the abundance of children, I know I will love the people on Twitter were All there
Never has “regjeringskabal” to the degrees lived up to the name now. And Erna Solberg has been shown to be a cunning kaballeggjar. Every time she went out of cards and saw that the cabal is not going to go up, created it as well a few extra and constructed new statsrådar. The most original is digitaliseringsminister Nikolai Astrup from the Right.
Already when the first the leak came from regjeringsdanninga, reap, Solberg, however, of a row. Kjell Britain-draw-you-the-so-shall-you-the-Ropstad should be family – and equality minister. After that Sylvi Listhaug had deducted as attorney general, it has been merkelg serene from the edge. Now we’ve got a minister with the ability to provoke and cause anger.
Yes, it is, in truth Listhaugske dimensions of the Ropstad: “Can a woman bêre up one child, can she also bêre forth two”. His previous statement from 2011 that it is better that women bêr up the child and adopt it out than that they take abortion, pirrar and temperamentsløkane.
This man, who on a little kveldsstund managed to stir on plenty of Norwegian women, was in other words, in the midst of the rykta, to be their minister. As if not it was enough; homominister in addition. He who believes that gay not even worthy to get married.
But see, not Solberg had even a short in the sleeve. Equality and homosaker would suddenly be culture and be Trine Skei Grande its domain. This was probably a wise move, for the noise from the woman and homoaktivistar can be in most team. Ropstad have known a delicate soul in a delicate body. In any case one after the other had left to expose the poor guy to hatred, bullying and harassment. Or criticism, satire, and temperature as it also is called.
But now could not Well entirely to exempt familieministeren from gay. It just so happens that these also have children and live together in families. Even if he looks at families with a father and a mother as the ideal, lovde him in conversation with Fredrik Solvang on tv that he “au will be the minister for these families”. Knut Arild Hareide, who on forbilledleg turn-other-cheek-to-show defense Ropstad as an open, accepting menneskje, is also certain that he will come to work for all children.
While Siv Jensen still cast ørkeslaus ørkenvandring in opposition, came she with some udødelege promises that forever stands written in stone. If she came to power, should the following happen:
“Krekar out of the country in a jiffy. Zero money in bompengar. Powerful avbyråkratisering.” All know how it has gone. Noregshistorias most talrike government will not help reduce an ever growing bureaucracy.
Still believe many that the conservative party has come out of regjeringsforhandlingane as the biggest winners. They can at least laugh all the way to the king’s table, for though the Christian people’s Party have been three violent attack, the progress party is still seven. Nevertheless, should Siv Jensen praise themselves lukkeleg that Solberg in her creative corner of the screen would not come up with even a ministerkonstruksjon as a gift to the conservative party; a avbyråkratiseringsminister for example.
it may look as if the Right if the people to take off. In any case, get the government to look like a dynastic familieverksemd. Wife of Christian Tybring-gjedde is newly samfunnssikkerheitsminister, and the husband of Sylvi Listhaug is the secretary of state.
If this is so wise, will the time to view. It worked not for Miriam Sandberg and her husband, Per. She went as secretary of state, and he who fiskeriminister after he discovered grønare grass on the other side of the regjeringsgjerdet.
“You can take the chick out of Trøndelag, but never Trøndelag out of the chick,” is a good old stammeord. A tribe that Trøndelag Right tydelegvis no part of. They rebelled against sjølvaste Erna when they realized that Linda Hofstad Helleland no longer had to play on regjeringslaget. “Not a man in the middle of norway,” was their insult omkvede in an attempt to take the Trøndelag out of the Skei Grande.
“Who counts the lost battles on the seierens day”, he wrote, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. When firlingane should present regjeringsplattformen, it was important for each individual to stand out as winners. Perhaps most of all for the two smallest of which are experiencing hefty internal conflict about regjeringsdeltaking. To the Left was the climate and the immigration branches where they thought they fortente gold and laurels.
But the Left had certain forget to read the small font. They have been given the green light to take in 3000 kvoteflyktningar. As before. What they don’t have been joined, is that the 3000 is the maximum. So, if we accept asylum seekers in addition, the corresponding fewer kvoteflyktningar. Thus, Norway come to accept fewer than before. And with the Progress and the Left in government. Thus can the Right to show the finger to the party that generously have kept them in government for five years.
In the Left, it has by the way been dissatisfaction with the statsrådstaburettane party has been assigned. Especially Skei Grande, they thought, should get a heavier and more visible ministry. It is perhaps therefore she had ytra wish for to get the equality added to the culture.
While firlingregjeringa now start to work, should perhaps “New Again” gang transfer some of his salary to say to them as a thank you for this Sareptas jar they can ause ideas of the future program.