It is one of New Zealand’s darkest days. We are a country in mourning and we are looking for answers.

The new zealand prime minister, Jacinda Ardern now get a lot of praise in social media to have reacted both with empathy as with rapid response if the stricter laws after moskémassakern.

” I can say one thing: our gun laws will change. It is the right time to do it, ” said Ardern on Saturday morning.

to follow in Australia’s footsteps. After the australian vapenlagarna tightened, the number of firings reduced drastically.

Two of the weapons found in the attacked mosques in Christchurch is semi-automatic. The suspected mass murderer Brenton Tarrant had received the license and been able to buy guns legally. The license was not automatic weapons, but it has been shown that Tarrant had modified them.

When Jacinda Ardern on Saturday met with the muslim leaders in the affected town, she was dressed in a black suit with accompanying headscarf.

– The fatal masskjutningen will be a part of New Zealand’s history, but it is not what the new zealanders are, ” she said to the assembled muslim group.

Image 1 of 2 On Saturday met Jacinda Ardern muslim leaders in the city where the terrorist attack occurred. Photo: New Zealand Prime Minister’s Office via AP Slide 2 of 2 When Jacinda Ardern on Saturday met with the muslim leaders in the affected town, she was dressed in a black suit with accompanying headscarf. Photo: Tessa Burrows/AFP Slideshow

She said to bear with him a message of love and support from all new zealanders.

After the meeting she changed their original plans and went to a school for an emotionally charged meeting with several of the families of the victims.

took in 2001 with a degree in communication at the Waikatouniversitetet. Her political career, she began as an investigator in the socialist Helen Clark’s government in the early 2000s.

Subsequently, she worked for a period as an advisor to the british prime minister, Tony Blair, before she in 2008 was elected a member of the new zealand parliament.

She describes Clark as his political hero, and the self labels herself as a progressive feminist and a republican. The latter means that she would prefer to have a president as head of state in front of the English queen Elizabeth II.

”a big failure”. Among her campaign promises before the last election, there was also something not usually associated with radicalism, namely, the reduction of immigration – a promise yet to be fulfilled.

On 1 August 2017, was Jacinda Ardern president of the socialist Labour party, which she has been a member since she was 17 years old. She could be the country’s opposition leaders in less than three months, before she on 26 October of that year became the world’s youngest female head of government. In the elections in september had her party just become the second largest but was able to form a coalition government with the nationalist NZ First.

New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern during a press conference in Christchurch on Saturday. Photo: Marty Melville/AFP

Ardern grew up in the little towns of Morrinsville and Murupara in the warm north Island. The home was mormonskt, but she has said that she grew tired of the church’s homophobia, and now denotes herself as agnostic. She also teaches like whisky.

she caused headlines when she announced that she and partner, the new zealand radio and television personality Clarke Gayford, were expecting their first child this summer.

On 21 June 2018, she gave birth to a daughter, Neve Te Aroha Ardern Gayford.

however, She was not on maternity leave for very long. Already after a few days after the birth, she received the portfolios delivered to them with the documents that needed to be reviewed.

Read more: This we know about moskédåden in New Zealand

Read more: Rescued boy from masskjutningen – hailed as a hero

Read more: This we know about the suspected offender