the Same day as the KrF went into the government and the deputy chair Kjell Britain Ropstad stated “if you manage to carry forth one child, so if you manage to carry forth two” I had my final exam in just gynecology and obstetrics. Where we had among other things prepared for the questions about the complications around tvillinggraviditet, so it is a theme I can a little about.

I am in no way an expert, but it is clearly not Ropstad either. For purely medical seen, there are many reasons that it is not only just to carry forth two children at a time.

Twins are born often before fosterutviklingen is finished and the mother and children must often spend a lot of time in the hospital after birth. There is a higher chance of high blood pressure during pregnancy which in turn increases the chance of other complications in both mother and child.

Kjell Ingolfs aborttabbe and says Comment

Twins are often small and born with a low weight and that they are born before the time. It is the higher number of dødfødsel among tvillingmødre. There is a greater chance for heart disease among their children and there is a greater chance of anemia. Just to mention some of the possible complications.

Many twins redeemed through cesarean section, something that neither is optimal. A cesarean section increases the chance of infection in both the uterus and the skin, it increases the chance that the uterus may burst at later pregnancies, and it increases the chance for complications related to the mother being bedridden longer than those who give birth vaginally, which increases the chance of blood clots.

So is it the woman’s body. I think we can all agree that it to go pregnant for nine months is a strain on the body. You are heavier, bloated, some are terribly swollen, it can be painful and heavy to move and it is difficult to find a position that is comfortable to lie in. But is one pregnant with twins, so double the all this.

A woman who is pregnant with twins when “included in your fare” to the one who is pregnant with one child in week 25-26, but will still continue to add on in a few weeks. They have heavier morkake, more amniotic fluid and double the number of children in the stomach. This in itself is a huge burden for a pregnant woman.

finally , a little bit about the ethics of it. I think it is completely wrong and downright hair-raising that a government should decide whether women should go through a tvillinggraviditet or not. How in the world are you able to be able to determine such a thing? Do you know about all the aspects in all the household life? Do you know about the finances of mr. and mrs. Doe can withstand a tvillinggraviditet? Do you know about the body of mrs Doe can withstand it?

do you Know about mrs. Smith can withstand the psychological impact of too little sleep? No, you do not know! It is only the mother who knows if she is physically, mentally or financially will be able to withstand this, and therefore it is she who should decide it! So no dear Ropstad. If you manage one, manage one, not necessarily two.

” believe: the christian democratic party has has taken bioteknologiloven hostage Leader