the UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said, according to AP figures for food production in north Korea shows a lack of ”approximately 1.4 million tonnes of rice, wheat, potatoes and soya beans” in 2019.
The total food production last year was slightly more than 500,000 metric tons less than in 2017, and the united nations estimates that 10.3 million north koreans, nearly half of the population, are undernourished.
”the expressed and will continue to express its concern for the declining of food security in north Korea”, and says that they consult with the country’s government in order to get more information. They may then initiate a process to address humanitarian needs.
north Korea itself derives food to high temperatures, drought, floods and sanctions from the united nations, according to an internal memo, which Reuters has taken part of. ”The government calls on international organisations to urgently respond to matsituationen,” it says in the document.
voted for sanctions against north Korea since 2006, in an attempt to choke off the financing of the country’s nuclear programme.
During the last year was the united states on extended sanctions which brought the humanitarian aid to nearly absent entirely, writes Reuters. The security council committee for sanctions has said that it ”does not intend to bring the humanitarian consequences for the civilian population”, but according to Stephane Dujarric, this has accidentally happened anyway.
leader Kim Jong Un meet with the president of the united states Donald Trump in Vietnam for a second summit aimed at kärnvapenavveckling on the Korean peninsula.
Read more: north korea’s peasants flee the fields during the harvest to earn money