Choe Ryong-Hae is one of the three north Korean officials who are the subject of the us state department’s announcement on Monday. 68-year-old is leader Kim Jong-Uns right hand and is considered to have been the real decision-maker many times.

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the extended sanctions, called it in the news, the three men’s central roles in a rigorous way to stop freedom of expression. North korea is by any measure one of the world’s absolute worst in the department of human rights – extrajudicial executions, sexual violence, torture and slavery belong to the perspective the problem that we.

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President Donald Trump may, in the north Korean statement, praised for her ”willingness” to improve relations between Washington and Pyongyang, with the foreign ministry accused of being determined to turn back the mode to last year’s military high voltage. It would be the US’s ”major miscalculation” that the extension of sanctions would speed up the kärnvapenavvecklingen, it says.

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after Kim Jong-Uns and Donald Trump’s high-profile sommarmöte in Singapore has not led to any real progress. For the moment there is a lack of date for a next meeting between minister for foreign affairs Mike Pompeo and the other party’s Kim Yong-Chol, after the latest in New York city on november 7, suddenly was cancelled with a day’s notice.