We have nominated Greta because climate change may be one of the biggest contributory causes of war and conflict, ” says Freddy André Øvstegård to PLEASE

It is Øvstegård and partikamraterna Mona Fagerås and Lars Haltbrekken of the Sosialistisk Venstreparti who submitted the nomination.

parliament, the Storting, are they qualified to submit an official nomination.

”the award of the Nobel peace prize to Greta Thunberg and elevstrejkerna for the climate will be an important contribution to recognising that climate action and fredsförpliktelser go hand-in-hand and gives strength to social movements for climate action,” it says, inter alia, in the political nomination.

the 301 candidates nominated for the 2019 nobel peace prize, of which 223 are individuals and 78 organizations. The candidates will not be published.

A klimataktivist with stardom – in any case abroad

Tens of thousands of students klimatstrejkar with Greta Thunberg