He has used more drones than any other U.S. President. He was the disaster in Syria to happen without interfering; and even as the red lines were crossed, he did nothing. He has stubbornly held on to Guantanamo. He also demanded that Germany to increase its defence expenditure. Now he is back here and the love of the Germans, Barack Obama was dearly, dearly, and will probably be even more intimate.

The former US President stands for those good old days, which began with his campaign kick-off in front of the victory column in Berlin, and with his shirt-sleeved worship of speech to the Germans and Angela Merkel in the blazing sun in front of the Brandenburg gate ended. Obama felt like a President of the German, as he would be done for you.

The feeling remained. The contrast to Donald Trump, it has even strengthened. In Obama’s world, there were friends and partners, conferences and conventions. Whenever he appeared, thought every one to hear in the Background is Beethoven’s “Ode to joy”. “All people become brothers, where your gentle wing abides.” A part of the reality was hidden most of the drone attacks killed civilians, the failure to act, as the Syrian Regime against its own people poison gas began.

Because, in essence, questions a basic consensus has been suspected of the urgency to limit global warming, about the joint efforts, the Iranian nuclear program to freeze up to the encouraging beliefs to a Western value system, joined the American in Obama’s never in the foreground. It had shifted under him, the strategic perception of the USA is long in the direction of Asia. Obama had it understood not only as skillful as his successor, to RUB the Europeans at every opportunity under the nose. Germany, Europe seemed to him to be important, a matter of the heart.

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And now Trump, the Bully, a misogynist, a unilateralist, the uncouth Twitterers, the alien enemy, the Nationalist order. One, of the says the German right in the face, how irrelevant you have become, how convenient. Without America’s defense umbrella, you would eat defenseless from the Russian Wolverine, the you out of fear of his greed volunteering for billions of natural gas was buying. One who mocked Merkel’s refugee policy as a naive do-gooder, will the once evil ends. A rising unscrupulous customs duties on products when he means that exporting countries would pull his people across the table.

trump’s image of Germany is the opposite of the Vision that he has for his own country. This makes the Germans even more than the Chinese or the Russians, to his favorite opponents.

Obama served as a perfect refutation of all the anti-American clichés. Superficially, militaristic, greedy, parochial, vindictive With such terms German often describe the essence of the Americans. Ronald Reagan, the Cold warrior from Hollywood, and George W. Bush, the Texan Cowboy, seemed to confirm such prejudices. But then the eloquent, charming, educated, decent Obama to the White house. Suddenly, the other America, was the beginning of the awakening, a dream come true, a new time. Symbolic is the sometimes almost in love-looking view, the Merkel, when she was in his vicinity.

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Former U.S. President, Barack Obama, once again, comes to Berlin

Elisabeth Binder

Now, Trump President, Obama, Ex-President. And the banal truth is that Both represent the often confusing facets of a country that is suitable as a projection screen for German dreams. With a little less Obama-nostalgia and a little more willingness to understand Trump, could be the minds to the Lot. But if you want to, is another question. For the lovers and Hate the glow of your object in the rule is to Be more important than the.