France has summoned its Ambassador to Italy for talks. Between the two neighboring countries, things weren’t perfect since the inauguration of the Italian government in March; in the past few weeks, aggravated the quarrel. The most recent Annoyance for the government Macron, a Meeting of Italy’s Deputy head of the government, Di Maio with the leader of the “yellow West”, who have been protesting for weeks against the French government. Minister of the interior, Salvini has responded to the temporary callback with an interview offer. the

The feud between Paris and Rome has reached a new climax. France has ordered after a long dispute its Ambassador from the neighboring country for talks. The recent interventions in Italy are an “unacceptable provocation,” said the French foreign Ministry on Thursday. “You hurt the respect of the democratic and freely elected governments of each other’s debt.” Therefore, will now be called the French Ambassador for consultations.

the trigger for the recent escalation is a secret Meeting of the Italian Deputy heads of government, Luigi Di Maio with representatives of the “yellow West” in Paris. Just four months before the European elections, the government in Rome supported the protest movement, which calls for the resignation of the President of France, Emmanuel Macron.

“yellow West – remains steadfast!” – with this Slogan Di Maio of the populist Five-star movement had encouraged the protesters, already to the beginning of the year. Italy’s interior Minister Matteo Salvini from the xenophobic Lega Nord party, said that he supported the “honorable citizens” in Protest against President Macron, the “against his people” rule. This week, Di Maio met in Paris several candidates of the “yellow vests” for the European elections at the end of may, and a spokesman for the protest movement, Christophe Chalençon. This is due to the xenophobic and Islamophobic Remarks controversial. The procedure is an Affront to Macron.

the recall of the Ambassador responded Salvini prompt and conciliatory. He suggested on Thursday afternoon, a Meeting between the governments. “We want to argue with anyone, we have no interest in polemics,” said the Minister of the interior. “We are very willing to meet with the President of Macron and the French government, to put us at a table. As Minister of the interior, history he of France, among other things, to stop refoulement of refugees on the border.

Macron threw Rome because of its refugee policy “cynicism”

The crisis between the two EU founding members had begun with the arrival of the new government in Rome in March of last year, and already the Call of the Ambassador on both sides. Lit., the conflict of the refugee policy: Macron accused Rome of “cynicism” and “irresponsibility” after Italy refused to let the rescue ships with migrants in its ports create But, quickly, a in the direction of dispute between “Progressive,” as Macron is called, and “populists”.

The French head of state has declared the elections a referendum on both bearings. In a speech, with a view to the choice of Macron populists compared with “leprosy” – a remark which met in Rome in indignation. A campaign video clip of the French government shows Salvini and the Hungarian head of government Viktor Orban as a representative of a “splitting” of Europe, and menacing music plays. Salvini called Macron a “very bad President”. Macron back quipped and said: “The Italian people is our friend and deserves a leader worthy of its history.”

The dispute relates, indirectly, to Germany, working with France in an ever closer European partnership. Diplomats and experts are Worried that the tensions with Italy could block European projects – not only the difficult Reform of the common asylum policy.